Junior doctor support

Summary of junior doctors resources and support

Taking responsibility for your own self-care is an important part of being an effective doctor. No-one is immune to work-related issues that can impact on your physical and mental health.  Being proactive and managing problems and identifying support networks is a crucial step towards positive self-care. 

It is recommended that all medical students and doctors have their own General Practitioner (GP). If you are having difficulty finding a GP, then the Doctor’s Health Advisory Service (DHAS) WA has a "Doctors for Doctors List" of GPs and psychiatrists.

  •  Doctors Health Advisory Service WA 
    • Personal health resources for Doctors, Medical Students and Families in WA
    • Doctors for Doctors list
    • Confidential 24 hour health service is available to all doctors and medical students (08) 9321 3098
    • Can be contacted by the person themselves or by a concerned colleague, friend or family member
    • Consists of a panel of experienced male and female GPs, reporting back to no organisation
    • Does not require callers to identify themselves
    • Deals with problems that may include stress, depression, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, grief or concerns about illness.
    • Is exempt from the mandatory reporting requirements of the Medical Board of Australia 
  • JMO welfare resources handout
    • Tips, assessment tools and self-care resources for JMOs collated by JMOs
    • Doctors health and wellbeing resources
    • Contact phone numbers for help and support in time of need
  • WA Country Health Servise Employee Assistance Program (only accessible via a WA Health computer) 
    • A free, confidential counselling service is available to all WACHS employees
    • Depending on the facilities offered in each region the EAP session may be face – to face (generally preferred and most prevalent), or via telephone or over the internet depending on your preference.
  • Rural Link
    • Specialist after hours mental health telephone service for people in rural communities of Western Australia, provided by the East Metropolitan Health Service
  • PMCWA JMO Survival Guide
  • Australian Medical Association (WA)
  • Doctors' Health Alliance
Last Updated: 07/08/2024