PATS processes explained
Use Registration and Recipient Details - Form A
- Complete form.
- Go to I will attend my specialist appointment and then claim my eligible subsidy for next steps.
- If you are a new or existing PATS recipient who needs to update their details, complete the Registration and Recipient Details Form A.
- At your appointment, have the specialist or clinic employee complete their section and sign the Reimbursement Form B to confirm your attendance at the appointment.
- Make sure clinical details (an explanation about why you need extended accommodation in Perth for example) are included by your specialist or clinic staff, if needed.
- Make sure clinical details (an explanation about why you need extended accommodation in Perth for example) are included by your specialist or clinic staff, if needed.
- Complete your section of the Reimbursement Form B.
- Submit form(s) with relevant travel receipts, accommodation receipts and any other information required to your Local PATS Office.
Forms should be submitted as early as possible to allow for sufficient processing time.
Once your local PATS office has received your claim, it will be assessed against current PATS policy and eligibility criteria. You will be notified as soon as possible if you are not eligible for PATS or if additional information is required.
Processing times can vary by location and are dependent on all required information being provided.
Subsidy payments should be received within 30 working days once all the required paperwork is submitted and the preferred mode of payment is identified.
You may be asked to provide more evidence to support your claim.
PATS is a subsidy reimbursement scheme, however if you need your subsidy to help you get to your appointment, you may be eligible for your subsidy to be paid prior to your appointment.
Use Assistance in Advance - Form C
- If you are a new or existing PATS recipient and need update your details, complete the Registration and Patient Details Form A.
- Complete Assistance in Advance Application Form C1, and submit it to your local PATS office with your proof of appointment letter or email.
- If you are planning to travel within 48 hours, please also contact your local PATS office via telephone.
- Your application will then be assessed against current PATS policy and eligibility criteria and you will be notified as soon as possible if you are not eligible for PATS or if additional information is required. If approved, you will be provided with all additional information about how to access your assistance in advance.
- Your Local PATS Office may be able to assist with travel arrangements and bookings.
- At your appointment, have the specialist or clinic employee complete their section and sign the Assistance in Advance Verification of Attendance Form C2 to confirm your attendance at the appointment.
- Make sure clinical details (an explanation about why you need extended accommodation in Perth for example) are included by your specialist or clinic staff, if needed.
- Make sure clinical details (an explanation about why you need extended accommodation in Perth for example) are included by your specialist or clinic staff, if needed.
- Complete your section of the Assistance in Advance Verification of Attendance Form C2.
- Submit form(s) with any other information required to your Local PATS Office.
- You may be asked to provide more evidence to support your claim.
- Complete Registration and Recipient Details Form A.
- Submit form to your Local PATS Office.
Country Health Connection provides culturally appropriate transport services for Aboriginal patients/carers travelling from rural and remote regions of Western Australia to the Perth metropolitan area to access specialist and medical services.
CHC, in liaison with PATS, Health Service Providers, accommodation facilities and Aboriginal patients/carers, will coordinate transport requirements to ensure effective patient journey planning.
Country Health Connection transport services include:
- ‘Meet and Greet’ service for country Aboriginal patients/carers arriving at Perth metropolitan transport terminals (Airports, Bus and train depots).
- pick up and drop offs to hospital appointments for patients/carers staying in approved accommodation.
- culturally appropriate patient liaison and coordination support.
- hospital or health facility navigation as required.
- assisting with the transfer process of deceased Aboriginal patients (upon PATS approval) back to the place of residence.
Please speak to your PATS office if you wish to be referred to Country Health Connection. If you are in Perth, please contact Country Health Connection for transport enquires and general service information on (08) 9318 6880.
WA Country Health Service values and welcomes all feedback, it helps us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve. We must record and respond to all feedback that is received and ensure information and processes are followed and conform to the WA Health Complaint Management Policy.
To submit feedback about PATS, visit our provide feedback page.
You are encouraged in the first instance to lodge any queries through your local PATS office. If you do not wish to contact your local PATS office, you can lodge your feedback online at Care Opinion.
You can get help with your feedback from these supporting agencies:
- If you need help in a language other than English, please call the National Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 or use the online booking form. People who speak Aboriginal languages can contact Aboriginal Interpreting WA on 0439 943 612.
- Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
- The Health Consumers’ Council (WA)
- Ombudsman WA
You can request a review if your PATS application or claim was declined if you believe the decision was incorrect. Please follow the steps below or contact your local PATS office.
If you are ineligible for PATS, it does not mean you are not able to attend your appointment. It means you are not able to receive PATS subsidies.
- Contact your local PATS office to explain why you think the decision was incorrect.
- Your local PATS office will review your application or claim.
- You may be asked for additional supporting information and/or be called to discuss your review.
- The time it will take to review your application or claim depends on how complicated it is, but you should have a written outcome within four weeks. Let your local PATS office know if your request is urgent.
- You receive an outcome.
If you are found to be eligible for PATS after a review, your local PATS office will be able to help you finalise your application or claim.
If you are found to be ineligible for PATS, you may ask to be considered under an exceptional ruling or exceptional endorsement.
Exceptional rulings consider your individual circumstances and allow PATS subsidies to be approved if the intent of PATS is met, even if some of the strict eligibility criteria are not.
Exceptional endorsements consider your individual circumstances when you meet the PATS core eligibility criteria but are requesting a particular subsidy outside of your core eligibility.
All decisions under the exceptional management process will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and will form no precedents. Additional information and justifications will be needed to allow the Regional Executive Director and Regional Medical Director to make decisions.
Your local PATS office is responsible for preparing these with your assistance and consultation.
- You may ask to be considered under an exceptional ruling or exceptional endorsement if your PATS application or claim is declined or your local PATS office may escalate your claim on your behalf.
- You will need to provide additional supporting information which may include:
- Recipient age
- Diagnosis
- Relevant past medical history
- Justification for why the ruling or endorsement should be considered.
- Your local PATS office, WACHS Regional Medical Director and/or WACHS Regional Executive Director will review your application. Your treating medical practitioners may be contacted, or you may be called to discuss your circumstances.
- You will receive an outcome. If approved, your local PATS office will be able to help you finalise your application or claim. If declined, the PATS Regional Coordinator will explain the reason why and you will be advised of your next steps.
All health staff in public hospitals and health services have to follow the Patient Confidentiality policy, including all WA Country Health Service staff. Private providers have to observe the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth). You have a right to access your personal information through the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA).
The Office of the Auditor General audits PATS claims. This means that PATS staff must make sure they make decisions that are in line with policy. They also need to provide clear and detailed reasons for any decisions made under the exceptional management process. Health services need to do this so they can demonstrate that public money is spent fairly and according to policy. PATS staff must also make sure they have tax invoices, receipts and other documentation when reimbursing you for commercial travel or accommodation.