PATS subsidies
You may be eligible for a PATS subsidy towards your travel and accommodation costs associated with attending an eligible specialist medical service. You are required to meet all the eligibility criteria to be eligible for travel or accommodation subsidy.
PATS subsidies provide a contribution towards the travel and accommodation costs associated with accessing specialist medical services and are not intended to cover the full costs.
PATS can only reimburse people for out-of-pocket expenses, with receipts to confirm payment. PATS is unable to reimburse people who have booked travel or accommodation using frequent flyer points or other schemes, such as the Pensioner Annual Free Trip Scheme, or employee benefit schemes.
All PATS subsidies will be assessed against the current PATS policy and eligibility criteria.
The travel subsidy can help you to travel from your hometown to your medical appointment. It may not cover all costs associated with your travel.
Distance is calculated using the most direct or common route from your permanent residence to the nearest town centre and the commercial business district (CBD) of the treatment centre you are travelling to. If you live a long way from your nearest town centre, you may be eligible to add additional kilometres to your claim, speak to your local PATS office.
The approved mode of transport will be determined by your local PATS office and will be the most clinically appropriate and cost-effective transport available.
Travel subsidy amounts
Travel subsidies are determined using criteria below:
Travel subsidies between 70 and 100 kilometres | |
Patients receiving renal or cancer treatment |
$20 per return trip (flat rate) |
Travel subsidies over 100 kilometers | |
Private vehicle (car) | 26 cents per kilometre |
Train or bus |
Economy fare |
Travel subsidies over 350 kilometres | |
Patients receiving cancer treatment |
Air travel, economy fare |
Travel subsidies over 1,200 kilometres | |
Air travel | Economy fare |
You will need to submit copies of tax invoices for your travel via bus, train or air to have your costs reimbursed. PATS can only reimburse people for out-of-pocket expenses, with receipts to confirm payment.
Travel between 70 and 100 kilometres (one way) for cancer or renal dialysis treatment
If you travel between 70 and 100 kilometres (one way) to receive cancer or renal treatment, you are eligible for a flat rate travel subsidy for each return trip. This is regardless of whether the trip is by private vehicle or other paid transport, and regardless of whether you are accompanied by a support person. The subsidy can be used towards travel or accommodation.
Renal treatment includes pre-dialysis education, dialysis treatment, surgery and follow up, appointments with a nephrologist or vascular access consultant and home therapy training. Cancer treatment includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or palliative intervention, surgery and follow-up. It does not include diagnosis, consultations or treatment planning.
Who is eligible for air travel?
If you have to travel 1,200 kilometres (one way) for an eligible appointment, 350 kilometres (one way) for cancer treatment, or if your treating medical specialist certifies air travel as essential for clinical reasons, you will be eligible to have PATS fund the cost of your commercial flight. PATS is unable to reimburse people who have booked flights using frequent flyer points or other schemes, such as the Pensioner Annual Free Trip Scheme or employment benefit schemes.
If you have been hospitalised or undergone a surgical procedure under general anaesthetic, you may require a Fitness to Fly Travel Clearance Form before flying. Each airline has a different Fitness to Fly Form. The treating hospital will ensure the Fitness to Fly Form is completed by the treating practitioner.
The accommodation subsidy can assist you with accommodation expenses when you are eligible and required to stay away from your home residence to attend your medical appointment. It may not cover all costs associated with your accommodation, and PATS recipients are responsible for any gaps between the subsidy and actual cost.
You may be eligible for an accommodation subsidy due to:
- Type of travel and transport schedule availability. You are travelling via bus, train or flight and need to wait for the next available option.
- Appointment or treatment time. You are eligible for accommodation around an approved appointment as per the closest and most appropriate transport schedule. If you are required to leave home before 7am or would be arriving home after 7pm you may be eligible for an additional night's accommodation subsidy.
- Your medical condition.Accommodation is required to allow you to travel safely following treatment or due to your current medical condition.
- Associated appointments. If you are required to attend an associated allied health appointment after your specialist appointment, you may be able to extend your stay by up to two days. Check with your local PATS office.
- Road travel greater than 500km. You may be able to claim one night of accommodation for every 500km (most direct and practical route) travelled in a private vehicle.
Accommodation can be commercial or private. Private accommodation includes private dwellings such as a house occupied by a friend or family member.
Commercial accommodation is defined as accommodation operated on a commercial basis, where the provider has an ABN and:
- Accommodation is offered to the public who are deemed as guests, and the main purpose is to provide accommodation.
- There is central management to accept reservations, which can be booked in advance.
- Room availability and rates are available to the public.
Commercial accommodation includes:
- Hotels, motels and inns.
- Caravan parks and camping grounds.
- Airbnb and short-term rentals.
- Hostels (including Aboriginal hostels) and boarding houses.
- Accommodation provided by charities or not-for-profit organisations.
An acceptable receipt in AUD, showing business name, address, number of nights of accommodation, and nightly rate is required all commercial accommodation. Receipts from the official booking platform are required for Airbnb and other short-term accommodation, although these are not required to display an ABN.
The subsidies are for a maximum period of six months continuous. While extensions may be granted in special circumstances, they should be applied for in advance through your local PATS office.
Accommodation subsidy amounts
Accommodation subsidies are determined using criteria below:
Type of accommodation | Subsidy amount per night |
Commercial | Up to $110.00 for eligible PATS recipient, and up to an additional $15 for an approved support person |
Private | $20 per night each for eligible PATS recipient and approved support person |
You will not receive a reimbursement greater than your out-of-pocket expenses, within the eligible subsidy amount.
If you are eligible for PATS, you may be eligible for a support person. A support person is someone who accompanies you when travelling to access specialist medical treatment.
Your support person must be 18 years or older and be able to accompany you on the trip and fulfil the role that is required. They need to be capable of providing the necessary assistance so you can attend and access your appointment in a safe and timely manner.
When submitting your request for a support person, please provide the reason as to why you require support. You may be contacted for more information to help assess your application.
You may be eligible for a support person if you:
Are receiving cancer treatment.
If you are receiving cancer treatment under a medical specialist, including chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and palliative care directly related to cancer treatment.
Have a disability, impairment or frailty.
If you are living with an intellectual, psychiatric, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical impairment or disability including an acquired brain injury, dementia, visual impairment or mobility impairment, or if you are frail or frail aged, including older adults.
Require a carer or provision of necessary assistance, including decision making.
If you have a carer who is legally required to make decisions on your behalf, is responsible for your medical or mental health treatment, or your carer needs to tend to your personal care requirements or assist with daily living activities.
Are giving birth.
If you are travelling over 100km (one way) to give birth, or your doctor requires you to be near a hospital before or after birth, including for perinatal loss or late termination and threatened preterm labour.
Require cultural or linguistic support.
If you require assistance with cultural barriers or for cultural reasons that would inhibit you from attending an appointment, or if you require assistance with language barriers, have a communication disability, or if English is not your first language, including for Aboriginal languages and AUSLAN.
Have a clinical recommendation for support.
If a clinician has recommended you have support for the trip/appointment and provided supporting documentation. This Includes providing:
- Emotional support where you are attending an appointment that is likely to result in a significant diagnosis or to be distressing, including for specialist palliative care or complex pregnancy care requiring specialist obstetric assessment.
- Psychological support, where you require psychological support while travelling and attending appointments due to a mental health conditions, historic trauma or you are experiencing family and domestic violence.
Are under 18 years of age.
For PATS purposes, family travel and PATS recipients travelling together are defined as:
Family travel
When one or more PATS recipients under the age of 18 travel with a parent or guardian as a support person. All recipients are required to submit a separate PATS claim. Family travel scenarios include:
- One PATS recipient under the age of 18 accompanied by one support person.
- Two or more PATS recipients under the age of 18 accompanied by one support person.
- Two PATS recipients under the age of 18 each accompanied by their own support person.
Recipients travelling together
When two or more adults, all with eligible specialist appointments, travel together for convenience. All recipients are required to submit a separate PATS claim for their trips.
Support person and family travel
When a family travels together, the support person might also have their own specialist appointment during the same journey, arranged for convenience and to minimise travel. For PATS purposes, people are only allowed to perform one PATS role at a time and they cannot claim a subsidy for being a recipient and a support person at the same time. A PATS patient under the age of 18 cannot travel alone and will require a support person for the duration of the trip, therefore they are considered the primary recipient.
Additional children travelling with family
PATS does not provide travel or accommodation subsidies for additional children to travel with the family, unless they have an eligible appointment.
Travel subsidies for family travel and recipients travelling together
PATS recipients are unable to claim a reimbursement greater than their expenses.
Fuel subsidies
When one vehicle is used, eligible PATS recipients are eligible for one return fuel subsidy.
This includes when:
- One PATS recipent under 18 travels with one approved support person.
- Two PATS recipents under 18 travel with one approved support person.
- Two PATS recipients under 18 each travel with their own support person in one vehicle.
- When two or more PATS recipients, each with their own appointments have travelled together in the same vehicle.
When two PATS recipients under 18 years of ageeach travel with their own support person in separate vehicles, each recipient and their support person are eligible for one return fuel subsidy.
Bus, Train and Air travel
Each eligible PATS recipient and their eligible support persons are eligible for a ticket at the most economical rate.
Accommodation subsidies for family travel and recipients travelling together
If a family travels together and it can be established that they stayed in the same room (the same invoice was submitted for multiple applications) PATS will reimburse up to the cost incurred by the family (not exceeding the subsidy amount), the family will not receive a reimbursement greater than their expenses.
Flexibility in dates of travel is allowed. However, if a family elects to extend their trip beyond the last night of their PATS eligible accommodation, they are considered to be travelling country residents and not eligible for further PATS assistance.
Accommodation subsidies for family travel align with the following principles:
- A support person can only fill one role at a time.
- If a parent or guardian is supporting two recipients under the age of 18, they are only eligible for one support person accommodation subsidy.
- Where multiple recipients under the age of 18 have non-overlapping appointments, PATS will support accommodation between appointments when this is the most economical option. In the period between appointments, PATS will provide one recipient and one support person accommodation subsidy, regardless of how many recipients have travelled.
- A recipient under the age of 18 requires a support person to be with them during travel. Where a recipient under the age of 18 and their support person have travelled together and the support person has an appointment in close proximity to the recipient, PATS will provide an accommodation subsidy for the recipient under 18 until all appointments are complete, as they cannot travel home alone.
- Recipients under the age of 18 are eligible for a support person. If two patients under the age of 18 have eligible appointments, each is eligible for their own support person. If the family chooses to travel together for convenience, accommodation subsidies are only provided based on the dates of each recipient's appointment or clinical need.
Accommodation subsidies for recipients travelling together
If it is established that two or more recipients stayed in the same room (the same invoice was submitted for multiple applications) PATS will reimburse up to the cost incurred by the two recipients (not exceeding the subsidy amount). The recipients will not receive a reimbursement greater than their expenses.
PATS subsidies do not cover medical expenses or other costs associated with accessing specialist medical services such as parking, medical appliances or medical gap costs.
PATS subsidies do not cover transport to the airport, bus or train station either from your home or when you arrive in the town of your medical specialist appointment.
Accommodation subsidies may not cover all accommodation costs. PATS accommodation subsidies are not available while you are hospitalised.
Travel subsidies do not cover other expenses associated with travel, such as food.
PATS does not provide subsidies towards car hire.
Access to taxi payments is only available in limited circumstances.