Provide feedback

I am a patient, family member or carer

If you're a patient, family member or carer, there are several ways you can provide feedback to us: 

  • Talk to the staff, healthcare team or manager of the area caring for you.

    This is often the quickest and most effective way to have your feedback addressed.
  • Ask to speak to an Aboriginal Liaison Officer

    If you are an Aboriginal patient you can speak with an Aboriginal Liaison Officer who is able to provide cultural, social and emotional support.
  • Are you concerned for yourself or a loved one? 

    Aishwarya's CARE Call is a way for patients, families and carers to receive or call for urgent assistance when they are concerned about a patient’s health and feel that the healthcare team has not fully recognised their changing health condition.

  • Share your story online

    You can share your story about your experience with WACHS publicly or anonymously via the Care Opinion website.

Care Opinion logo

  • Complete the MySay Healthcare Survey

    If you’re an inpatient or day procedure patient, we’ll text you the short MySay healthcare survey about a week after your discharge so you can tell us about your experience in our health system. Your answers are confidential and will help us to identify where improvements can be made to our health services.
  • Fill out a feedback form

    WACHS Feedback formFeedback forms are located in most patient areas. If you're unable to find one, ask a staff member. 

If you're unsure about which region to contact you can email your feedback to

I am a General Practitioner (GP) or other service provider

If you're a GP or service provider and your feedback or concern about your patient's wellbeing is:

I am neither of the above but would like to provide feedback

All other feedback can be provided via:

  • the Care Opinion website, either publicly or anonymously.
  • feedback forms located in most patient areas. If you're unable to find one, ask a staff member.
  • phoning or writing to your regional WACHS office, as listed above.

What happens after we receive your feedback?

Compliments are sent to the relevant staff members, their line manager and executive.


All complaints are passed on to the relevant manager for follow up.

  • We will contact you as soon as possible.
  • Your feedback will be recorded.
  • Your complaint will not be included in your medical record.
  • This information is filed separately and is confidential.
  • We will contact you to let you know we have received your complaint.
  • Your complaint will be investigated. This can take up to six weeks. If there are delays, we will let you know.
  • You will be given the name and contact details of a staff member to speak to during the process.
  • You will be informed of the outcome, either by letter or telephone, unless you indicate otherwise. You can then respond or ask for further information if you wish.
  • Making a complaint will not impact on any future care or treatment.

If you're still concerned or not satisfied with our response, you can contact The Health Consumers' Council or Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO). See more information below under 'Useful contacts'.

Useful contacts

Health Consumers' Council

The Health Consumers' Council provides external advocacy and support to patients, carers, and families with complaints processes.

Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) can provide an independent review of your health or disability service complaint (including mental health services), if you're unable to resolve your complaint with the health service.

Freedom of Information

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) gives you the right to apply for access to documents held by the WA Country Health Service.

We can help you to obtain access to your requested information, and ensure that personal information we hold is accurate, complete, up to date and not misleading.

How to apply for access to information

The WA Country Health Service has Freedom of Information (FOI) coordinators and officers across Western Australia. They are designated to receive FOI applications and they can provide information regarding the nature and types of documents held. 

Or contact the Office of the Information Commissioner (Western Australia) for more information.

Last Updated: 26/08/2024