About us
- Overview
- Vision and values
- Our structure
Building projects
- Project - Bunbury Regional Hospital redevelopment
- Project - Geraldton Health Campus
- Project - Mullewa Health Centre
Completed projects
- Completed project - Albany Health Campus
- Completed project - Albany Health Campus radiation oncology
- Completed project - Broome Health Campus
- Completed project - Bunbury Hospital Critical Care Project
- Completed project - Busselton Health Campus
- Completed project - Gnullingoo Mia Residential Care
- Completed project - Carnarvon Health Campus
- Completed project - Collie Health Service
- Completed project - Collie Health Service theatre upgrades
- Completed project - Dongara Health Centre
- Completed project - Esperance Health Campus
- Completed project - Exmouth Health Service
- Completed Project - Kalgoorlie Health Campus MRI suite
- Completed project - Harvey Health Service
- Completed project - Hedland Health Campus
- Completed project - Kalgoorlie Health Campus
- Completed project - Karratha Health Campus
- Completed project - Katanning Health Service
- Completed project - Kojonup, Gnowangerup and Tambellup
- Completed project - Kununurra Primary Health Centre
- Completed project - Merredin Health Service
- Completed project - Midwest Cancer Centre
- Completed project - Narrogin Health Service
- Completed project - Newman Health Service
- Completed project - Northam Health Service
- Completed project - Onslow Health Service
- Completed project - Pingelly and Cunderdin Health Centres
- Completed project - South West Radiation Oncology Service Centre
- Completed project - Warren Health Service
- Completed project - Wheatbelt - small hospitals
- Country health housing – investor partnership opportunities
- Annual reports
Strategic plans
WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24 - Online version
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: Message from the Chair
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: Message from the Chief Executive
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: Re-imagining the future of healthcare
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: WA Country Health Service Strategic Plan 2019-24 on a page
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: Our Mission and Vision
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: Our Values
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: WACHS at a glance - what we do
- WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24: Our Strategic Priorities
WACHS Strategic Plan 2019-24 - Online version
- Health profiles and service plans
- Policies
- Contact us
Our services
- Kimberley
- Pilbara
- Midwest
- Goldfields
- Wheatbelt
- South West
Great Southern
- Great Southern regional profile
- Great Southern local health directory
- Great Southern health services
- Great Southern contacts
- Command Centre
- Voluntary assisted dying
- Our patients
Our workforce
Work with us
- Living and working in country WA
- Medical workforce and education
- Nursing and midwifery careers
- Allied health and health science careers
- Online Contractor Registration and Induction
- Country Nursing and Midwifery Incentive Program
- Working at Bunbury Regional Hospital
- Students
- Scholarships and grants
Work with us
- 2020
- Albany radiation oncology groundwork to commence next month
- Albany radiation oncology service one step closer for local residents
- Care Opinion website drives health service improvements and achieves milestone of 2000 stories from regional WA
- Celebrating our achievements
- Country ambulance strategy underway: $9.2 million for high priority recommendations
- Country communities to receive specialist stroke advice 24/7
- Country health command centre marks its first year
- Goldfields breast cancer support increased
- Growing our Aboriginal leaders in the Kimberley
- Margaret River welcomes first baby born via water birth
- Northam Health Service ED temporarily relocating
- Port Hedland community forum: Patricia Oldendorff vessel outbreak response
- Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk
- SafeWA app keeping businesses and patrons COVID safe
- Smoke-free staff and consumers at Bunbury Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
- Sound partnership between WA Country Health Service and Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service improves kid’s ears
- Telehealth Awareness Week 2020 is here!
- WA Country Health Service celebrates NAIDOC Week 8-15 November
- Additional funding to support redevelopment of Bunbury Hospital
- Albany radiation oncology service progresses with release of forward works
- Broome eye clinic to deliver brighter outlook for Kimberley residents
- COVID-19 outreach support program provides targeted care for high risk patients with chronic conditions
- Fight the bite from mosquitoes in the Kimberley
- Geraldton doctors pass emergency medicine training
- Geraldton Health Campus redevelopment off to a strong start
- Goldfields residents to receive MRI technology soon
- Hear, hear! New audiology booth opens at Kununurra Hospital
- Local Aboriginal business awarded landscaping tender for Kalgoorlie Renal Hostel
- Mental Health Emergency Telehealth Service sees country patients avoid transfer
- Mobile telecarts provide expert medical support to country hospitals
- Modern aged and palliative care facility on track for Carnarvon
- New Kalgoorlie Renal Hostel set to welcome clients soon
- New location for Broome COVID Clinic
- Our frontline in the air: WACHS WINGS keeping patients and health supplies moving during COVID-19
- Pilot to fast-track Pilbara renal patients to transplant waitlist
- Portable isolation rooms to better protect country residents from COVID-19
- Red shoes rock in support of an alcohol-free pregnancy
- Redevelopment of Newman Health Service a step closer with building contract awarded
- Remote Aboriginal community digitally connected to metro medical experts
- Research key to unlocking early signs of chronic kidney disease
- Second phase of forward works set to commence at Geraldton Health Campus
- South West inland to welcome more newborns locally
- State-of-the-art Northam Health Service officially opened following $42 million redevelopment
- State-of-the-art operating theatres open at Northam Health Campus
- Stay safe on your quad bike
- Stroke patient’s rehabilitation aided by exceptional WA Country Health Service South West medical team
- Stroke rehab via telehealth is hands-down a winner for patients
- TeleChemotherapy comes to Narrogin and Broome
- Tender to build MRI suite at Kalgoorlie Health Campus released
- Travel advice for older West Australians
- WA Country Health Service family member impacted by sepsis
- WA Country Health Service honours aged care employees
- WA Country Health Service hospitals and health services continue to keep country communities safe during COVID-19
- WA Country Health Service proud of country nurses and midwives
- WA Country Health Service warns against COVID complacency
- WACHS seeking doctors for rural hospital placements
- Works begin for redevelopment of Geraldton Health Campus
- Accessing health services during tropical cyclone Damien
- Broome doctor named Australian Clinical Educator of the year
- Changes to biosecurity requirements in some regional and remote communities
- Drop that smoke video spreads smoke-free message
- HEAL program success leads to Health Awards nomination
- Innovative strategy that transformed regional healthcare is award finalist
- Local students attend P.A.R.T.Y. aimed at reducing risk taking behaviour
- Midwest’s world-first mental health project in running for top award
- Public Health specialist appointed to new Director role
- Technology brings lymphoedema care closer to home for Esperance and Katanning patients
- Technology leads the way for expectant WA country women
- TeleRehab nominated for regional stroke improvements
- Upgrades celebrated with official openings in the Wheatbelt
- WA Country Health Service staff recognised for excellence in Rural Health Awards
- Wheatbelt Speech Pathologist awarded Australia’s Rural Clinical Educator for 2019
- Albany preventative health partnership named as finalist in Health Excellence Awards
- Back to Country a frontrunner for health awards
- Country clinicians dedicated to reducing illness rates among Aboriginal people
- Digital campaign increases engagement nominated for excellence awards
- Population Health team in running for major health award
- Redeveloped Merredin Health Service and new Mukinbudin Health Centre officially opened
- Telehealth allows Kimberley mums-to-be to attend maternity classes
- Telehealth works for regional kid’s ear health
- Albany midwives give school students an insight into childbirth
- Broome doctor recognised for commitment to educating others
- Command Centre: the latest innovation in country healthcare
- Narrogin Health Service officially opened
- Queen of the Kimberley stars in new telehealth campaign
- Telehealth allows country mums-to-be to attend maternity classes
- Telehealth allows Pilbara patients to stay close to home while receiving treatment
- Telehealth allows south west cancer patients to receive treatment closer to home
- Telehealth helps Mt Magnet resident stay closer to home after stroke
- Telehealth saves Boulder resident thousands of kilometres in travel
- Telehealth technology allows Great Southern doctors to treat patients all over WA
- Access to Merredin Health Service changes as redevelopment progresses
- Community gets hands on with artwork for new Onslow health campus
- Dynamic duo at Busselton recognised for excellent GP obstetric care
- Emergency department volunteers sought
- How to save lives this snake season
- Karratha Health Campus ED sees record number of patients
- Karratha Health Campus hosts international dignitary
- Kimberley mental health initiative wins Australasian award
- Local ED expert helps guide launch of new Urgent Care Clinics
- New surgical services unit opens at Northam Health Service
- New TeleChemotherapy service brings treatment closer to home for country patients
- Prevalence of trauma in country WA the focus of mental health conference
- Stroke team stride it out to promote powerful B.E.F.A.S.T. message
- WA Country Health Service secures clinical nurse through new LiveHire platform
- Care closer to home thanks to donation
- Celebrating R U OK? Day across country health
- Coastal towns named WA’s most improved for immunisations
- Esperance named state's best for immunisations
- First patients welcomed to new Karratha Health Campus
- Hedland health workers take out Rotary Award
- Karratha Health Campus set to open
- Local doctor says know your status this World AIDS Day
- Local students brighten Collie paediatric ward
- Midwest drug and alcohol workers honoured nationally
- New entry opens at Narrogin Health Service
- New hearing device improves patient experience
- New surgical services unit the latest improvement at Katanning Health Service
- Northam and Narrogin hospitals infrastructure update
- Opening of Pingelly Health Centre
- Partnership improves after-stroke care in Wheatbelt
- Rehabilitation using telehealth helps get local stroke patient walking again
- Sowing the seeds of healthy eating in remote communities
- Statement from first responders: Indian Ocean Drive
- Telehealth helps Mt Barker double-stroke patient
- Time capsule relocated to Warren Health Service while new car parks mark the end of construction
- Training and partnership saving lives from stroke
- A year in the making at Karratha Health Campus
- Acute Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis (APSGN) outbreak declared in the Kimberley
- Artists canvassed for special tour
- Artwork tells local story of fusion and renewal
- Auxiliary camera donation focuses on Northam Hospital
- Baby Ava still bouncing thanks to telehealth doctor, local nurses and RFDS
- Bringing cancer care closer to home
- Busselton Health Campus performs first ever knee replacement
- Busy year for country hospitals and health services
- Celebrating NAIDOC Week
- Contemporary care at Kondinin and Corrigin health services
- Country life not interrupted for specialist's appointment
- Cunderdin Health Centre reaches lock-up
- Diabetes telehealth helps mum stay healthy in town
- Dongara Health Centre redevelopment moves forward
- Emergency department and outpatient facilities opened
- Eyes on Busselton Health Campus
- Friends of health centre to deliver art
- Geraldton named most outstanding regional hospital in Australia
- Goldfields set to pilot new ear health initiative
- Grandpa stays home with kids thanks to telehealth
- Have your say on school health services in WA (closes 8 June)
- Health service redevelopments complete
- Ian keeps on trucking for specialist’s appointment
- Karratha residents to leave their mark on new health campus
- Kate 'rapt' in telehealth stroke treatment
- Local artists selected for new cancer hostel
- Midwest artists canvassed for public art program
- Midwest Cancer Hostel officially opened
- Midwest cancer patients will be at home with new hostel
- New ED open at Goomalling Health Service
- New hospital for the South-West
- New maternity ward open at Narrogin Health Service
- Over $10 million for health services in Jurien Bay and Moora
- Pingelly Health Centre reaches lock-up
- Redevelopments finished in Dalwallinu and Wongan Hills
- Sandie's life is easier with telehealth
- Sneak peek inside the new Karratha Health Campus
- Telehealth allows Fred to do rehab from the mines
- Telehealth offers best practice, patient-centred care
- Telehealth saves George four-day trip for 5-minute appointment
- Telehealth service supports local nurses to save Perth pre-schooler after Coral Bay snakebite
- Telehealth services to increase at Karratha Health Campus
- Telehealth services to increase at Warren Health Service
- Trainee 'pilot' gives thumbs up to successful helipad test
- Warren Health Service opening
- Wheatbelt Health Service redevelopments complete
- Wheatbelt patients benefit from infrastructure investment
- Winner in the Wheatbelt: Local named Nurse of the Year
- Works set to commence at Esperance Health Campus
- A new dimension to Karratha Health Campus
- A new era in healthcare at Harvey Health Service
- Architect appointed for Mullewa and Dongara
- Art for health's sake
- Bird's-eye-view of Karratha Health Campus
- Birth of new maternity facility at Karratha Health Campus
- Bob's new knee notches up a milestone at Busselton
- Boddington Health Service refurbishment complete
- Builder chosen for Williams Health Centre
- Building a solid foundation for Pingelly Health Centre
- Building of new Cunderdin Health Centre begins
- Building set to begin at hospitals
- Bunbury ED staff reunite with Levi following lifesaving treatment last year
- Bunbury leading the way with positive birth education programs
- Carnarvon's new renal dialysis unit a life-saver for local patients
- Change advocate for rural mental health acknowledged with award
- Change to emergency department location at Northam Health Service
- Change to Northam emergency department location
- Collie Health Service refurbishment on track
- Collie redevelopment celebrated
- Community members tour Katanning Health Service
- Construction underway at Narrogin Health Service
- Councillors tour Karratha Health Campus
- Country nurses and midwives make up more than 50 per cent of finalists
- Country nurses travel to Ethiopia to share knowledge
- Customer service excellence awarded to Midwest team
- Dalwallinu Health Service refurbishment on track
- Doctor’s career is on the rise
- Esperance Health Campus operating theatre treats record number of patients in 2018
- Geraldton doctor recognised at Country Doctors’ Awards
- Goldfields doctor takes out medical leadership award
- GPs impressed with behind the scenes tour of hospital
- GPs inspect Katanning Health Service build
- Happy cooks at Narrogin Health Service
- HEALTH ALERT: Severe tropical cyclone Veronica
- Home-grown talent produces healing art
- Improving ear health gives kids a better chance
- Inaugural parenting course for Dads proves popular
- Innovative donation fascinates and supports Dongara ED patients
- Jurien Bay Health Centre undergoing redevelopment
- Karratha paediatrician named Specialist of the Year
- Local schools ready to PARTY
- Margaret sees telehealth changing lives
- Merredin ED reaches half-way point
- Merredin Health Service redevelopment making progress
- Midwife practice delivers first birth to Northam
- Narrogin receives maternity reaccreditation following perfect score
- New CT scanner to bring cutting edge technology to Karratha, cut travel
- New Cunderdin Health Centre becomes operational
- New Cunderdin Health Centre design revealed
- New health service taking shape
- New initiative to strengthen mental health services in the South West
- New section of ED open at Collie Health Service
- New system to support better care for rural WA
- Out with the old, in with the new
- Outstanding mentor in Pilbara’s Population Health team
- Pilbara in the spotlight during WACHS Board visit
- Public forums open for Sustainable Health Review
- Redevelopment at Goomalling Health Service progressing
- Red-tailed cockatoo honoured in artwork
- Second stage of Dalwallinu Health Service complete
- Seven new projects benefit regional aged care
- Stakeholders tour emergency department
- Telehealth changing the face of medical care for the isolated
- Telehealth saves Bill money, miles - and marriage
- Top health award for unique WACHS partnership program
- Unique design for Karratha hospital
- Wagin GP crowned GP of the Year at annual awards
- Wheatbelt health services receive updates
- Works progressing at Northam Health Service
- Wyalkatchem-Koorda health service upgrade on track
- Another HEAL grad kicking health goals
- Baby boom for Bunbury midwives
- Baby Louis’ safe arrival timed to perfection
- Birth suites revamp wins praise thanks to an intergenerational team effort
- Bunbury chronic conditions program wins recognition
- Bunbury's artistic approach to breaking down barriers and building cultural respect wins praise
- Donation from the Hospital Auxiliary supporting patients at Warren
- Dumbleyung Health Service redevelopment underway
- Emergency Telehealth Service fuelled by more than chocolate over Easter with busiest day recorded for 2019
- Exercise group a ‘winner’ according to the original Wheatbelt Wheezer
- Faster stroke support for Goldfields residents via new telehealth stroke cart
- First class rehab service is helping South West patients get back on their feet faster
- Footballing doctor kicking goals for Bunbury
- Forward works tender for redevelopment of Collie Health Service closes soon
- Geraldton named most outstanding regional hospital in Australia for the second year in a row
- Geraldton’s renal services provide Derek with more time with grandkids
- Kimberley nurse takes out 2019 WA Nurse of the Year
- Narrogin’s ‘No more Ngamari’ ball a success in taking a fresh and fancy approach to tackling smoking
- New services opening as Narrogin redevelopment nears completion
- Northam Hospital Ladies Auxiliary donation means local men won’t need to travel for prostate biopsies
- Opportunity to have your say on mental health, alcohol and drug strategy for the South West
- Partnerships lead to picture perfect Beverley health care
- Protea Lodge celebrates its first anniversary with Midwest cancer patients
- Rehab via telehealth saves Midwest stroke survivor 1,500 kilometres in travel
- Research shows screen time can be good for country health
- Ross’s creative approach to recovery through art
- Southern Cross Hospitals first born returns to celebrate a 50 year milestone
- Speech and other services at Warren highly recommended
- TEAM KIDS training – an ‘amazing’ way to help develop healthier families
- Telehealth makes palliative care even more accessible in the Great Southern
- Telehealth innovation saves Halls Creek locals with ear conditions from travelling 700km for specialist care
- TelePalliative Care in the Home service allows Midwest local to pass away peacefully at home with his dog by his side
- Temporary measures in place for parking as Northam Health Service redevelopment continues
- WA Country Health Service assumes interim responsibility for the Elizabeth Hansen Autumn Centre
- WA Country Health Service honoured with inaugural Patient Opinion Award
- Warren Health Service celebrates one year anniversary with dual award wins
- Warren staff branch out for R U OK day
- Wheatbelt clinicians receive emergency medicine training to help save country lives
- Wheatbelt palliative care services via telehealth celebrated this Palliative Care Week
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- Augmented reality keeping culture at Northam Hospital
- Dongara Health Centre redevelopment gets underway with tender awarded
- Mental Health Emergency Telehealth Service celebrates two years of successful operation
- South West's first Emergency Medicine Diploma graduate bolstering other doctors' educations
- WACHS rolls out state-of-the-art foetal monitoring system
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- Celebrating excellence in rural healthcare
- Celebrating life changing support of telehealth
- Pilbara clinicians using telehealth to connect with remote patients
- Telehealth connecting families with allied health teams
- Telehealth helping patients heal on country
- Telehealth keeping families together
- Telehealth keeps Ray well and at home
- Telehealth providing support to South West stroke survivor
- Virtual physio gaining traction in the Midwest
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- Country Health on the tech frontline with Health in a Virtual Environment
- Handy virtual service enabling care closer to home for South West residents
- Occupational therapists find unity through community
- Providing country patients with a lifeline to heart health
- Telehealth helps local team to put Pilbara patient front and centre
- Telehealth technology helps local man stay close to home for audiology care
- WA Country Health Service bringing care closer to home for country patients
- WA first service is a step in the right direction for country patients
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- Country health celebrates access achievements this International Day of People with Disability
- Esperance Health Campus Maternity Unit delivering award-worthy care
- Harvey Hospital patients can paint like Picasso with new donations
- Population health teams and sentinel chickens help fight the bite across the Goldfields
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- COVID-19 information
- Search
- 404
- Scheduled maintenance
Last Updated: