South West inland to welcome more newborns locally

The WA Country Health Service is establishing two new Midwifery Group Practices (MGPs) in the Warren-Blackwood district and Collie, to support expectant South West families access care closer to home.
They join the Bunbury MGP which commenced in 2012 and has supported the birth of over 750 babies locally.
The new MGPs will be staffed by specialist midwives who will work together in collaboration with local health practitioners to provide maternity and newborn care.
Clinical Midwifery Manager Katrina Jones said that MGPs were evidence based clinical initiatives that provide services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“An MGP service model means that expectant women will be cared for by a known midwife throughout the duration of their antenatal, birth and post-natal journey,” Ms Jones said.
“It empowers women to be actively involved in the care provided to them.
“Amongst many other benefits, this approach helps with reducing birth intervention rates and assists with lowering the incident of post-natal depression.
“Adopting this model also enables midwives to work to the full scope of their practice, giving them greater job satisfaction.
“I look forward to supporting the Warren-Blackwood service when it commences at the end of this month.”
Midwives will utilise Telehealth services for antenatal classes and specialist obstetric consultations and will liaise with relevant hospitals to ensure the best possible specialist care for their patients.
Details of the Collie MGP are currently being finalised.