More patrols to clean up needles in Broome

The State Government will provide funding to the Shire of Broome to increase patrols and clean up needles on the streets, and a more comprehensive Needle and Syringe Program (NSEP) will be set up.
Broome Health Campus will be bolstered to deliver a more comprehensive service that now includes a needle exchange; disposal bins have also been increased to ensure needles are kept off the streets.
This work builds on the service's existing focus on harm reduction, intervention and referral to drug and alcohol treatment and support services and was informed by public health experts.
As part of the program, clean needles and syringes are always provided with a safe disposal container, and under no circumstances are syringes provided to children.
Needle and syringe exchange programs are important public health initiatives that reduce the transmission of blood-borne viruses, and promote education and help-seeking for those who are struggling with substance use.