WACHS has got your back

Self-confessed grey nomads Peter and Diana Kincaid recently found themselves visiting not one, but two of our emergency departments after departing Sydney for their outback adventure.
As they arrived in Newman, Diana told us it was clear she needed medical attention.
“I didn’t have to wait long before I was seen by Dr Mogbolu,” she said.
“I felt reassured by him and appreciated the fact he took my concerns seriously.
“My symptoms were very similar to ones I experienced a few years ago and the staff really understood my anxiety.”
Back on the road and feeling much better, Peter and Diana headed further north and where they’d later visit Kununurra Hospital
“Again, I received excellent care from the team at Kununurra Hospital,” Diana said.
“In fact, both experiences at country hospitals were great – the medical staff listened to my concerns, dealt with me quickly and efficiently,” she added.
“We still had 5820 kilometres to go before we got home, and we were driving through the outback most of the way.
“I had no further problems and did not need any medication.
“The prompt and efficient medical advice was a great relief,” she added.