Changes to mask requirements at our hospitals and health services

Changes to mask requirements at our hospitals and health services
There has been an increase in COVID cases in Western Australia.
We’re taking sensible precautions across our hospitals and health services to keep our patients and staff safe.
From 12.00am Monday 20 November 2023 masks will be:
- Highly recommended for all healthcare staff and visitors in all hospital areas.
- Required in high-risk clinical areas for all staff and visitors, including:
- haematology and oncology units
- areas administering immunotherapies
- renal dialysis units
- critical care settings with vulnerable patients, such as intensive care units
- areas conducting aerosol generating procedures
- facilities with multiple COVID-19 positive patients or cluster/outbreak settings (note: a PFR is still required when providing direct care to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient)
- residential aged care settings
- other specialist areas, as required
It is best to stay at home and not visit hospitals and health services if you have COVID-19.
If you have COVID-19, or COVID-like symptoms, and attend one of our emergency departments please let our team know so they know to treat you safely.
Last Updated: