Harvey planning workshop rescheduled

The Harvey Service Planning Workshop has been rescheduled to Wednesday 18 August.
The workshop is part of a series of community district planning workshops organised by the WA Country Health Service (WACHS) in the South West, calling on residents to help guide the future of health services in their area.
According to WACHS South West Regional Director Kerry Winsor, the workshops form part of the organisation’s ongoing commitment to ensuring regional hospitals and health services meet community need now and into the future.
“We’re committed to continuous improvement and regular engagement with the community on what they believe we’re doing well and where they see opportunity for positive change,” Ms Winsor said.
“The community should be excited by this opportunity to help us ensure facilities in the Wellington district are supporting them to be as healthy as they can be.”
Ms Winsor said as part of our routine planning activity, it’s expected the information gathered from the workshops will help inform future regional and South West district service plans.
“Our patients are at the centre of everything that we do, including service design,” she said.
“While we’re proud of our existing services, we want to build on those to continue providing the South West region with hospitals and health services that improve patient outcomes and experiences and give consumers more options.”
Harvey residents are invited to attend the workshop on Wednesday 18 August, 10.00am to 1.00pm, at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre, Harvey.
For more information or to register, visit the Harvey Service Planning Workshop Eventbrite page or email WACHS-SW-BHServDev@health.wa.gov.au.