New services opening as Narrogin redevelopment nears completion

Redevelopment of the Narrogin Health Service is almost complete with a significant milestone reached.
The new PathWest facility, public dental clinic and theatre suites have all been completed.
Two new purpose built theatre suites will provide state of the art surgical services at the Health Service.
Acting Wheatbelt Regional Director Regina Michel-Huessy said the theatre complex is one of the standout features of the redevelopment.
“The theatres are high tech and fully equipped with the latest air filtration system making it one of the most modern and contemporary theatre suites in the Wheatbelt,” said Ms Michel-Huessy.
A new sterilising service unit has also been completed to support the new theatres.
“Staff and visiting medical specialists are excited to begin operating from there in the near future,” said Ms Michel-Huessy.
PathWest has moved into their new purpose built $2.2 million facility, within the main Health Service building, which includes two dedicated collection rooms, laboratory spaces, and offers a more physically welcoming environment for staff and patients.
PathWest Narrogin Scientist in Charge Leanne Negus said the relocation of the service to the main hospital building will be easier for clients to access as well as her staff, who will be able to offer better support services to the inpatient wards and the emergency department.
The new Dental Health Service’s four chair public dental clinic has also been completed and is scheduled to begin operations at the end of the month. The dental clinic and PathWest work has been funded through the Commonwealth government.
This $2.4 million dental clinic will provide a public dental service from a modern, well equipped facility, to eligible local clients and those in the surrounding districts.
Ms Michel-Huessy said the recently completed areas, including the main passage and public toilets, are starting to connect all the individual upgrades into a far more modern health campus.
“I wish to thank patients, visitors and staff for their patience with disruption during the building development.
“Once complete, I’m sure everyone will agree the redevelopment has been worth the wait and will only improve the standard of care we provide at the Narrogin Health Service,” said Ms Michel-Huessy.
The WA Country Health Service is currently overseeing the biggest transformation of country hospitals and health facilities in more than a generation.
This $1.5 billion building program is the most ambitious ever undertaken in regional WA and includes more than 80 sites from Kununurra in the Kimberley to Albany in the Great Southern.