Roll up for COVID vaccinations in the South-West from June 10

Western Australia's first regional COVID-19 community vaccination clinic officially opens this Thursday, June 10, 2021 in Bunbury at the Bunbury Homemaker Centre, making it easier for eligible residents in the South-West to roll up their sleeve and get vaccinated.
The opening coincides with the newly fast tracked and expanded rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination program in WA where people aged 30 to 49 will be eligible for the Pfizer vaccine.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 16 and over are also now eligible to be vaccinated as part of the newly expanded COVID-19 vaccination rollout.
The new Bunbury location is the fifth community vaccination clinic to open in WA, in addition to Perth-based clinics in Claremont, Joondalup, Redcliffe and Kwinana.
The Bunbury clinic will be open to eligible people with appointments, between 8.30am and 4pm on weekdays and will provide both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines to relevant groups.
AstraZeneca remains the recommended vaccine for people aged 50 and over, with Pfizer recommended for those aged under 50.
AstraZeneca will be available on Mondays and Fridays, while Pfizer will be administered at the Bunbury clinic on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
To book a vaccine appointment, visit