Motivated medical intern sets sights on Bunbury

WA Country Health Service’s newest medical intern Dr Rowan Berger always wanted a fulfilling career, and after completing his medical studies, he knew working at Bunbury Regional Hospital was a no-brainer.
Joining country health as one of the 2024 record number of medical interns, Dr Berger now calls Bunbury home and has commenced his 12-month placement at Bunbury Regional Hospital.
Dr Berger has had many interests leading to his career in medicine. From leaving school at Year 10 to pursue an apprenticeship as a mechanic, to an outdoor instructor - he wanted to do more with his life.
That’s when he turned to healthcare. He took an interest in his wife’s nursing studies and approached his local St John Ambulance brigade to become a volunteer.
He loved the staff, the job and the patients and became a career paramedic. He felt privileged to be invited into people’s homes at the beginning and the very end.
The skills Dr Berger learned took him and his wife to Vanuatu for 18 months in 2015 to share this training with others and give back to the community. Here, he made friends with two Australian General Practitioners who suggested he consider medicine.
“I was sold on joining medicine but didn't think it would be possible,” Dr Berger said.
“Through a post-graduate pathway, I was able to land a spot in medical school and I’m now a proud junior doctor.”
As well as learning unique skills, Dr Berger is looking forward to gaining valuable experience to prepare him for the long term.
“I’m looking forward to learning from senior doctors and gaining valuable experience before entering GP training,” he said.
Born in a small country town in Terang, Victoria, Dr Berger always knew he’d find his way back to the bush.
“Going country is something my wife and I had always planned on doing. We specifically chose Bunbury for its ability to provide a pathway from medical school through to internship and specialist GP training.” He said.
“Not to mention, the South West has the best balance of country living while also being close to the city. We love the milder climate, more laid-back lifestyle and great access to the beach and bushland.”
As for future plans, he said he’s looking forward to building his career in Bunbury.
“I see us living in the South West, working as a rural generalist and volunteering overseas,” he added.
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