Milestones achieved in transformation of Bunbury Regional Hospital

Bunbury is set to see the biggest transformation of a regional hospital ever undertaken in Western Australia when the more than $200.1 million Bunbury Regional Hospital redevelopment is complete.
The major infrastructure project is making good progress with three important milestones achieved to minimise disruption to patients and the local community.
Bunbury Regional Hospital Director, Jeff Calver said an additional 200 car bays have been made available to ease parking pressures for visitors and patients.
“When attending an appointment or visiting loved ones, the last thing you need to worry about is finding somewhere to park and because the community told us it was an issue, we’ve made it a priority.”
“We’ve also recently completed a transportable unit, which creates additional office space for non-clinical staff, moving them out of the main hospital building to allow for further redevelopment works to take place,” Mr Calver said.
“The third milestone achieved has seen the fit out of an offsite facility, in a central Bunbury location, known as the Homemakers Centre, providing a convenient hub for the community to access allied health services,” he added.
“These three important milestones are significant steps in preparing other areas of the hospital for redevelopment while minimising disruption and ensuring continuity of care for patients,” Mr Calver said.
The major redevelopment of Bunbury Hospital is set to deliver a fit-for-purpose facility providing the entire South West community with access to care, close to home.
Once complete, the redevelopment will deliver:
- More than 200 additional parking bays
- An expanded emergency department
- Increased operating theatre capacity
- New clinical equipment
- New emergency access and mental health facilities
- Western Australia's first regional training, education and research centre
- A boost to digital capability.
The next steps of the multi-million dollar redevelopment include finalising the Project Definition Plan followed by main works design.