Local students attend P.A.R.T.Y. aimed at reducing risk taking behaviour

Albany Health Campus recently welcomed local high school students in the process of obtaining their driver’s licence to take part in an interactive reality education program called P.A.R.T.Y (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth).
According to the WA Country Health Service’s Regional Director, Geraldine Ennis PSM, the program aims to positively influence the decision making of young people by highlighting the consequences of risk taking behaviour.
“Regional areas statistically have a higher rate of road trauma so educating young people before they get on the road is a positive way to prevent trauma,” Ms Ennis said.
Ms Ennis said students go behind the scenes with paramedics, doctors and allied health therapists for insight to the experience of a patient with major trauma such as head and spinal injuries.
“Positive feedback from students and teachers indicates that the program provides the students with the realisation of the potential outcomes of risk taking behaviour, reducing their likelihood of endangering themselves or others,” she added.
The P.A.R.T.Y. Program originated in Canada in 1986 and was first introduced in Australia in 2006 at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH). Albany Health Campus (AHC) has been licenced to run the program for five years making it one of 34 sites delivering the program around Australia along with Katanning, Bunbury and Kalgoorlie.
Over 400 students have participated in the P.A.R.T.Y. program at AHC since 2015.