Boddington Health Service refurbishment complete

The refurbishment of the Boddington Health Service is now complete.
Wheatbelt Regional Director Sean Conlan said that the refurbished health facilities would make a significant contribution to improving the standard and efficiency of health care in the local community.
“Boddington is just one of many small hospitals and health centres in the Wheatbelt that has underdone or is undergoing refurbishment,” Mr Conlan said.
“It is important to invest in regional health care and ensure that facilities continue to be modernised.”
As part of the refurbishment the health service received an upgraded main entrance and waiting area, a new room in the emergency department dedicated to triage, a new communications rooms, a redeveloped and upgraded kitchen, a new disabled toilet and the staff reception area was relocated.
The redevelopment of the Boddington Health Service is part of the Southern Inland Health Initiative’s $300 million capital works program to improve capital infrastructure in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Midwest and South West regions. In the Wheatbelt, Merredin, Northam and Narrogin Hospitals are being redeveloped as well as upgrades to 23 small hospitals and health centres across the region.