Kimberley recognised for collaborative COVID response

Several government and non-government agencies have been collectively recognised for their collaborative efforts in the COVID-19 response with a nomination for an Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) 2021 Achievement Award.
Coordinated by the WA Country Health Service (WACHS), the Kimberley Operational Area Support Group (OASG) was formed in 2020 to ensure agencies across sectors were talking to each other and working in partnership to protect the community and keep them informed through timely and accurate communication.
The Kimberley OASG comprises representatives from WACHS, WA Police, Department of Communities (Communities), Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service, Kimberley Aboriginal Taskforce, St John WA, Water Corp and Local Government Authorities.
WACHS Kimberley Regional Director Bec Smith said in what was already a fast-moving and constantly evolving situation, the Kimberley faced unique challenges, such as vast distances, transient populations and vulnerable remote communities.
“The representatives on the OASG all live and work in the region and have a deep connection to the Kimberley; they know the locals and work within the community daily,” she said.
“We saw the opportunity to leverage the connection to community among frontline workers, such as police officers, healthcare workers and community workers, and provided them with important Kimberley specific COVID-19 information as it became available so they could inform community in their one-on-one interactions.
“These workers are at the coalface, they listen to the community’s concerns, and the community trusts them to be transparent; they’ve been invaluable in responding to COVID in the Kimberley.
“Another key to being transparent has been harnessing social media to cut through rumours and innuendo.
“Social media has undoubtedly been a platform for sharing misinformation throughout the pandemic, but by utilising popular online communities to share and promote correct and Kimberley-specific COVID-19 information, we’ve been able to reliably inform our communities.
Since August, WACHS Kimberley have run 26 COVID-19 training and quality assurance exercises which allow staff to practice their roles and actions in an outbreak situation.
The OASG continues to meet regularly and is currently working together to roll out the vaccine program across the region and in remote Aboriginal communities.
The group are now also working with the local tourism industry to manage border changes and assist with the region’s recovery as a tourist hotpot.
The Kimberley OASG were finalists in the category of Best Practice in Collaboration Between Government and Non-Government Organisations.