Completed project - Katanning Health Service
Project overview

Katanning Health Service Art outside the entrance to the Katanning Health Service Opening of the new Emergency Department
Completed upgrades to the Katanning Health Service include a new state-of-the-art emergency department, a refurbished surgical services unit and new outpatient and primary care facility.
Other upgrades completed include:
- new medical imaging department
- new main entrance, reception and waiting areas
- new sterilising facilities within surgical services
- new laundry and morgue
- refurbished kitchen and equipment update
- new patient and staff parking
- roof refurbishment to the main block
Patients, staff and visitors to the Health Service are also benefiting from improved telehealth facilities and improved non clinical support services.
The following upgrades were completed in 2019:
- additional patient and staff parking
- replacement of mechanical ductwork servicing surgical services
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