WACHS Annual Report 2016-17
- Annual report 2016-17 (PDF 5MB)
- Annual report 2016-17 - Accessible version (Sections 1 to 3 only) (updated 27/06/2018) (PDF 3.46 MB) The PDF has been optimised for use by screen reader software such as NVDA and JAWS.
Please note this version excludes the 'Disclosure and Compliance' and 'Appendices' sections, which at this stage are only available in the full version. These excluded sections can be made available in alternative formats on request by emailing wachs.comms@health.wa.gov.au.
Some tables and figures have been converted to online versions. This content is referenced in the accessible PDF and included below.
- Table 3: Board meeting attendance 2016–17
- Table 5: Actual results versus budget targets for WACHS
- Table 6: Actual results versus KPI targets
- Fig 3: Index of relative socio-economic disadvantage quintiles
Table 3: Board meeting attendance 2016–17
Name | Number of meetings | Meetings attended |
Full Board meeting |
Professor Neale Fong (Chair) | 12 | 11 |
Ms Wendy Newman (Deputy Chair) | 12 | 10 |
Mr Alan Ferris | 12 | 10 |
Mr Michael Hardy | 12 | 10 |
Dr Daniel Heredia | 12 | 8 |
Dr Kim Isaacs | 12 | 12 |
Mr Joshua Nisbet | 12 | 11 |
Mrs Mary Anne Stephens | 12 | 10 |
Mrs Meredith Waters | 12 | 12 |
Finance Committee | ||
Alan Ferris (Chair) | 10 | 10 |
Wendy Newman | 10 | 9 |
Mary Anne Stephens | 10 | 10 |
Audit and Risk Committee | ||
Michael Hardy (Chair) | 6 | 6 |
Alan Ferris | 6 | 5 |
Mary Anne Stephens | 6 | 6 |
Safety, Quality and Performance Committee | ||
Daniel Heredia (Chair) | 5 | 4 |
Kim Isaacs | 5 | 5 |
Joshua Nisbet | 5 | 4 |
MeredithWaters | 5 | 5 |
Table 5: Actual results versus budget targets for WACHS
2016–17 Target ($ '000) |
2016–17 Actual ($ '000) |
Variation (+/-) ($ '000) |
Explanation of variance | |
Total cost of services
1,566,208 | 1,783,070 | 216,862 | Continuing and new services for which funding was not included in the initial target but were the subject of budget adjustments throughout the year and at Mid-year Review. |
Net cost of services
920,302 | 1,119,281 | 198,979 | Continuing and new services for which funding was not included in the initial target but were the subject of budget adjustments throughout the year and at Mid-year Review. |
Total Equity
2,512,241 | 2,277,450 | -234,791 | Delays in the Capital Works program and asset revaluation decrements. |
Approved full time equivalent staff level (salary associated with FTE)
7,664.90 | 7,606 | -58.9 | Reduced staffing levels in the first half of the year following the 2015–16 recruitment freeze. |
Table 6: Actual results versus KPI targets
Key performance indicator | 2016-17 Target | 2016-17 Actual | Variance |
OUTCOME 1: Restoration of patients’ health, provision of maternity care to women and newborns, and support for patients and families during terminal illness. |
Percentage of patients discharged to home after admitted hospital treatment | 97.60% | 97.50% | 0.10% |
Survival rates for sentinel conditions |
Stroke by age group | |||
0-49 | 98.5% | 95.8% | -2.7% |
50-59 | 98.2% | 100.0% | 1.8% |
60-69 | 98.7% | 92.3% | -6.4% |
70-79 | 96.1% | 92.9% | -3.2% |
80+ | 81.9% | 84.1% | 2.2% |
Acute myocardial infarction by age group | |||
0-49 | 99.1% | 100.0% | 0.9% |
50-59 | 99.2% | 100.0% | 0.8% |
60-69 | 99.2% | 94.7% | -4.5% |
70-79 | 98.4% | 94.7% | -3.7% |
80+ | 96.0% | 90.7% | -5.3% |
Fractured neck of femur by age group | |||
70-79 | 98.7% | 100.0% | 1.3% |
80+ | 97.8% | 95.8% | -2.0% |
Proportion of elective wait list patients waiting over boundary for reportable procedures | 0% | removed* | removed* |
* WACHS has identified errors in the data used to calculate this KPI in 2016/17 and as such this section |
Unplanned hospital readmissions within 28 days for selected surgical procedures (per 1,000) |
Knee replacement | 29 | 22.6 | -6.4 |
Hip replacement | 22 | 36.7 | 14.7 |
Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy | 64 | 46.2 | 17.8 |
Hysterectomy | 28 | 33.8 | 5.8 |
Prostatectomy | 27 | 89.3 | 62.3 |
Cataract surgery | 1 | 3.9 | 2.9 |
Appendectomy | 37 | 41.2 | 4.2 |
Rate of unplanned readmissions within 28 days to the same hospital for a mental health condition (per 1,000) | 61 | 82 | 21 |
Percentage of live born term infants with an Apgar score of seven or less, five minutes post delivery | 1.80% | 1.50% | -0.30% |
Average cost per casemix adjusted separation for non-tertiary hospitals | $6,877 | $6,408 | -$469 |
Average cost per bed-day for admitted patients (small hospitals) | $2,125 | $3,806 | $1,681 |
Average cost per emergency department/service attendance | $840 | $951 | $111 |
Average cost per public patient non-admitted activity | $442 | $491 | $49 |
Average cost per non-admitted occasion of service provided in a nursing post | $374 | $418 | $44 |
Average cost per trip of Patient Assisted Travel Scheme | $448 | $438 | -$10 |
OUTCOME 2: Enhanced health and well-being of Western Australians through health promotion, illness and injury prevention and appropriate continuing care. |
Percentage of contacts with community-based public mental health non-admitted services within seven days prior to admissions to a public mental health inpatient unit |
70.00% | 47.30% | -22.70% |
Percentage of contacts with community-based public mental health non-admitted services within seven days post discharge from public mental health inpatient units |
75.00% | 67.50% | -7.50% |
Average cost per capita of Population Health Units | $352 | $294 | -$58 |
Average cost per bed-day for specified residential care facilities, flexible care (hostels) and nursing home type residents |
$420 | $526 | $106 |
Average cost per bed-day in specialised mental health inpatient units |
$2,092 | $2,186 | $94 |
Average cost per three month period of care for community mental health |
$2,649 | $2,434 | -$215 |
Fig 3: Index of relative socio-economic disadvantage quintiles
Local government association | Region | Quintile group (1 = Most disadvantaged, 5 = Least disadvantaged) |
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder | Goldfields | 4 |
Shire of Coolgardie | Goldfields | 1 |
Shire of Dundas | Goldfields | 1 |
Shire of Esperance | Goldfields | 3 |
Shire of Laverton | Goldfields | 1 |
Shire of Leonora | Goldfields | 3 |
Shire of Menzies | Goldfields | 1 |
Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku | Goldfields | 1 |
Shire of Ravensthorpe | Goldfields | 4 |
City of Albany | Great Southern | 3 |
Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup | Great Southern | 2 |
Shire of Cranbrook | Great Southern | 2 |
Shire of Denmark | Great Southern | 3 |
Shire of Gnowangerup | Great Southern | 3 |
Shire of Jerramungup | Great Southern | 4 |
Shire of Katanning | Great Southern | 1 |
Shire of Kent | Great Southern | 5 |
Shire of Kojonup | Great Southern | 3 |
Shire of Plantagenet | Great Southern | 2 |
Shire of Wagin | Great Southern | 2 |
Shire of Woodanilling | Great Southern | 4 |
Shire of Derby-West Kimberley | Kimberley | 1 |
Shire of Halls Creek | Kimberley | 1 |
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley | Kimberley | 1 |
Shires of Broome | Kimberley | 1 |
City of Greater Geraldton | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Carnamah | Midwest | 3 |
Shire of Carnarvon | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Chapman Valley | Midwest | 4 |
Shire of Coorow | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Cue | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Exmouth | Midwest | 4 |
Shire of Irwin | Midwest | 3 |
Shire of Meekatharra | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Mingenew | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Morawa | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Mount Magnet | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Murchison | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Northampton | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Perenjori | Midwest | 4 |
Shire of Sandstone | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Shark Bay | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Three Springs | Midwest | 2 |
Shire of Upper Gascoyne | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Wiluna | Midwest | 1 |
Shire of Yalgoo | Midwest | 1 |
City of Karratha | Pilbara | 5 |
Shire of Ashburton | Pilbara | 5 |
Shire of East Pilbara | Pilbara | 2 |
Town of Port Hedland | Pilbara | 4 |
City of Bunbury | South West | 4 |
City of Busselton | South West | 4 |
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River | South West | 4 |
Shire of Boyup Brook | South West | 3 |
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes | South West | 3 |
Shire of Capel | South West | 4 |
Shire of Collie | South West | 2 |
Shire of Dardenup | South West | 4 |
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup | South West | 3 |
Shire of Harvey | South West | 4 |
Shire of Manjimup | South West | 2 |
Shire of Nannup | South West | 3 |
Shire of Beverley | Wheatbelt | 1 |
Shire of Boddington | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Brookton | Wheatbelt | 2 |
Shire of Bruce Rock | Wheatbelt | 2 |
Shire of Chittering | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Corrigin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Cuballing | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Cunderdin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Dalwallinu | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Dandaragan | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Dowerin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Dumbleyung | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Gingin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Goomalling | Wheatbelt | 2 |
Shire of Kellerberrin | Wheatbelt | 1 |
Shire of Kondinin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Koorda | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Kulin | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Lake Grace | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Merredin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Moora | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Mount Marshall | Wheatbelt | 5 |
Shire of Mukinbudin | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Narembeen | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Narrogin (Shire) | Wheatbelt | 5 |
Shire of Northam | Wheatbelt | 2 |
Shire of Nungarin | Wheatbelt | 2 |
Shire of Pingelly | Wheatbelt | 1 |
Shire of Quairading | Wheatbelt | 1 |
Shire of Tammin | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Toodyay | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Trayning | Wheatbelt | 1 |
Shire of Victoria Plains | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Wandering | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of West Arthur | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Westonia | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Wickepin | Wheatbelt | 2 |
Shire of Williams | Wheatbelt | 4 |
Shire of Wongan Ballidu | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of Wyalkatchem | Wheatbelt | 1 |
Shire of Yilgarn | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Shire of York | Wheatbelt | 3 |
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics: Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage, 2011