Thank you to our Sterilisation Services teams
This International Day of Sterilisation Sciences (10 April) WA Country Health Service (WACHS) recognises the important role our Sterilisation Services teams play across country WA.
Supporting our surgeons, anaesthetists and perioperative nursing staff – sterilisation teams help to prevent healthcare-associated infection and safeguard patient safety by supplying clean instruments to theatres, wards, departments and outside agencies.
Coordinator of Nursing Perioperative Shannon Ball said the importance of sterilisation services cannot be overstated.
“It is a pivotal service that supports our surgeons, anaesthetists and perioperative nursing staff in the delivery of safe clinical care,” Shannon said.
“The teams contribute to the effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and compliance of surgery in our hospitals and help us to deliver exceptional care, no matter the location.”
Bunbury Regional Hospital Acting Manager Sterilisation Services Brie Thomson said there is a large amount of time and care put into ensuring patient safety.
“I’m proud to be a part of a patient’s experience,” she said.
“There are complexities involved with reprocessing reusable medical devices.
“As advancements in reusable medical devices continue to grow and develop, so do the requirements for reprocessing.”
Broome Regional Hospital’s Advanced Skill Enrolled Nurse Geniene Hutcheon told us sterilisation is at the heart of a hospital.
“The nature of our job is quite involved,” she said.
“Machines must be maintained, with that comes a lot of testing – micro, water and steam for example.
“I hope to pass on and share my knowledge to the next generation working in sterilisation.”