Telehealth Lactation Service celebrates three years of supporting country mums and bubs

WA Country Health Service’s (WACHS) Telehealth Lactation Service is celebrating three years of helping country mums and bubs navigate the early stages of breastfeeding.
In that time, the service’s certified lactation consultants have delivered care to more than 2000 new parents – and their little ones – across regional WA.
The third anniversary also coincides with World Breastfeeding Week which promotes the benefits of breastfeeding, available supports and advocates for access to support.
Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Maria Flynn said while the benefits of breastfeeding to both mother and baby are well-known, it’s important to recognise some women find it hard or are unable to breastfeed.
"That’s where the Telehealth Lactation Service is helping new mothers to build confidence with breastfeeding and providing expert advice on issues such as milk supply and management of breastfeeding pain.
“The success stories we’re hearing from women across regional WA are showing how virtual care is helping us to connect with, educate and support new parents close to home.”
Albany mum Alex Gilbert said she was sceptical of the service at first because she felt she needed to see someone in person.
“My newborn son Matthew was having a tough time with reflux and colic and was not gaining enough weight, which was highly stressful.
“I must say however, after the very first appointment with Lactation Consultant Janine I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
“The reassurance she provided most certainly aided in me gaining the confidence to make some changes that I believe have ultimately helped our little boy get back on track,” Alex said.
“What a great service for rural families!”
Pilbara-based mum Jade McInnerney developed mastitis and postnatal depression after her first pregnancy.
“When I found out I was expecting my second baby, the thought of breastfeeding again terrified me.
“I was determined to give it another try, but my worst fear came true; I developed mastitis again.”
Jade described the Telehealth Lactation Service as a lifeline.
“They made me feel safe and comfortable, answered all my questions, and provided me with the most current information to improve my breastfeeding journey.
“Their support was invaluable, and my mastitis resolved quickly without further complications.
Now, eleven weeks later, I am thrilled that my baby is thriving, and I am well, both physically and emotionally.”
Jade credits the service with helping her feel supported and empowered to continue breastfeeding.
“I strongly encourage all mothers to reach out and utilise the service, especially those in rural and remote areas.”
“My experience is proof that with the right support and guidance, breastfeeding can be successful and empowering.”
Midwest mother of two Stella Scott said she was excited to embark on her second breastfeeding journey.
“My world flipped upside down when I got a severe case of mastitis and ended up in hospital.
“Lactation Consultant Di played a pivotal role in my postpartum, breastfeeding and healing journey.
“My concerns and feelings were heard and validated. Di was a wealth of knowledge and together we worked so hard to continue breastfeeding.
“Mine and baby’s health and wellbeing were at the forefront of every consultation – I am beyond grateful for Di and Janine,” Stella said.
“WA is so lucky to have such an amazing service!”