East Kalgoorlie Primary School - potential mercury exposure

You may have heard that low level mercury contamination has been detected in the classrooms and outdoor play areas at East Kalgoorlie Primary School.
The amount of mercury found at the school does not normally make people sick — but more testing is being done to be sure.
Symptoms related to mercury exposure can include:
- headaches
- shortness of breath and cough
- nausea and vomiting
- skin rashes
If symptoms are mild, please see your GP or the team at Bega Garnbirringu Health Service.
If you or someone you know from the school and surrounds is very unwell please visit the emergency department.
Don’t forget to reserve the emergency department for those who need it most.
If you or your child is not sick, testing for mercury is not required at the moment.
Please clean the clothes and the shoes your children have been wearing to school.
Families from East Kalgoorlie Primary School should look out for new messages from your school.
For more information call Goldfields Population Health Unit on 9080 8200, between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.