Geraldton Health Campus forward works reaches practical completion

The Geraldton Health Campus redevelopment has reached an exciting new milestone with the completion of forward works and preparations for the main works tender process underway.
Patients and visitors will benefit immediately through the completion of extensive new car parking facilities.
More than 400 additional car parking bays have been delivered through the first stage of this $73.3 million redevelopment project.
These upgrades are already significantly improving access to the hospital, as well as traffic flow into and around the campus.
A new ambulance entry on Shenton Street and reconfiguration of the main entrance are also part of the completed forward works package.
The next phase of works will include the construction of a redeveloped and expanded emergency department, a new intensive care unit and expanded high dependency unit, an integrated mental health unit and essential engineering service upgrades.
The exterior, public art and other spaces will incorporate elements that reflect the region’s Aboriginal culture, landmarks, industries and history.
The redevelopment will be implemented in stages to ensure minimal disruption to patients, staff and the community.
Despite the recent impact and widespread devastation caused by cyclone Seroja, staff and contractors have worked tirelessly to keep this important project on track in recent months.
Acting Regional Director Karen Street acknowledged the challenges with keeping up a steady pace in the face of the disruptions caused by the cyclone.
“I think it’s important to celebrate these milestones, as we get on with delivering the very best health care and facilities to the community.
“This redevelopment is still very much on track to deliver quality emergency and inpatient care, along with integrated mental health services, to residents of Geraldton and across the Midwest,” she said.