HEALTH ALERT Accessing hospitals and health services during extreme flooding

WA Country Health Service sites across the Kimberley have activated emergency response procedures and remain fully operational.
Regional Director Rex O’Rourke said patient and staff safety remained the organisation’s number one priority.
“We have moved high risk patients from Fitzroy to Broome and are working very closely with staff on-site to make sure they’re safe,” he said.
“All of our sites – including Fitzroy Crossing – remain operational and have sufficient supplies of medicine and pharmaceuticals.”
Mr O’Rourke said Broome Health Campus was extremely busy and reminded the community to access the Emergency Department (ED) in emergency situations.
“In Broome, we’re really busy – our staff are performing extraordinary work and we’re managing well but the community can help us by reserving the ED for the most urgent situations.
“If you’re not seriously unwell, give HealthDirect a call on 1800 022 222,” he said.
“In the event of emergency, always call 000.”
The WA Country Health Service advises that anyone with a pre-existing medical condition should be prepared and have an emergency plan in place – including enough medication.
The organisation continues to work closely with Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS), Royal Flying Doctors’ Service, Department of Fire and Emergency Services and other response agencies.
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