Margaret River Hospital credited after local man is pulled from the ocean in critical condition

When Margaret River local and seasoned swimmer Declan Coughlan took to the water in Prevelly last month, life-saving healthcare was the last thing he expected it to lead to.
29 October 2022 was unlike any other day for the 59-year-old Margaret River man.
He had met with his swimming group, known as the Sea Slugs, for their morning swim at Gnarabup Beach and conditions seemed perfect.
“I was going to do my normal swim, 450 metres to a yellow buoy that you’ll see the majority of people head out to,” he recalled.
Declan was only a quarter of the way into his swim when he noticed his heart rate rapidly increasing and he quickly realised he was in trouble.
Raising his hand and shouting for help, Declan was able to attract the attention of his fellow Sea Slugs which just so happened to include a doctor, paramedic and member of the local life-saving club.
Declan was transferred to Margaret River Hospital where he said doctors and nurses sprung into immediate action while also providing reassurance to his partner that everything was under control.
“We were obviously concerned and had so many questions – they answered all of them, told us exactly what was happening and were very clear on next steps.
“It helped alleviate a lot of our fears.”
According to Coastal Operations Manager Jodie Omodei, the Margaret River Hospital team established that Declan had developed acute pulmonary edema.
“Pulmonary edema is potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the lungs fill with fluid and prevent oxygen from moving into the bloodstream.
“The quick action of Declan’s friends as well as the staff at Margaret River Hospital meant we saw and treated him quickly – preventing complications or intensive care.
Reflecting on the incident, Declan knows the outcome could have been much worse.
“There were some moments when I was really worried – there’s no doubt about that.
“But once you know you’re getting the level of care and professionalism Margaret River Hospital showed me, I felt extremely comfortable and confident.
“These people do extreme work but also provide extreme care and I appreciate it more than I’ll ever be able to explain.
“They saved my life.”
Thanks to the support and care of the Sea Slugs and Margaret River Hospital staff, Declan has fully recovered