Growing our Aboriginal leaders in the Kimberley

Seventeen current and emerging Aboriginal leaders from the WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Kimberley workforce have recently commenced their leadership journey.
Participants will undertake the Certificate IV in Leadership and Management at the Northern Regional TAFE over the next 12 months.
The opportunity, funded by WACHS, is part of the organisation’s commitment to growing and investing in the Aboriginal workforce statewide.
The leadership initiative was driven by Kimberley Regional Aboriginal Health Consultant David Pigram and Aboriginal Health Program Officer Johari Bin Demin.
“Each of the participants will be mentored through their journey by a member of the Regional Executive team,” David said.
“They will be our great future role models, not only for other Aboriginal members of our workforce but also for the wider Aboriginal community and potential employees.”
Participants journeyed to Broome from as far as Western Australia’s most remote community, Kalumburu, located at the State’s most northern tip.
It is expected they will provide WACHS with further direction and advice to address health issues facing the Kimberley’s Aboriginal population.
WACHS Kimberley Regional Director Bec Smith said she was excited to see the birth of inspiring Aboriginal leadership across the region.
“Here in the Kimberley, we are incredibly proud of our hidden gems,” she said.
“Our workforce already has strong Aboriginal representation – over 12 per cent of the WACHS Kimberley workforce.
“We’re absolutely committed to investing in them – offering culturally appropriate care is paramount.”