Dr Marcus Urmoneit is diving headfirst into rural generalism

WA Country Health Service District Medical Officer in Anaesthetics and Emergency Dr Marcus Urmoneit is supporting Pilbara communities with an all-rounder approach to healthcare, diving headfirst into rural generalism.
Originally from South East Queensland, Marcus was initially uncertain about his future career path, opting to study pharmacology after high school.
It was then as a hospital pharmacist, Marcus decided to make the move into medicine.
After completing his studies on the Gold Coast, Marcus moved to WA, taking up training with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) in both Bunbury and Roebourne.
Driven by a passion to serve remote communities, Marcus soon set his sights on becoming a full-fledged rural generalist.
“On a placement with a remote island community I worked with local doctors who were tasked with a full range of medical issues.
“I was in awe of their skills, which spanned from modifying medications all the way to sending patients by helicopter to the closest tertiary site,” Marcus said.
“Rural generalism requires you to be a bit of a Swiss Army knife, requiring you to not only treat, but also manage the care of patients throughout their entire journey.”
Karratha-based Marcus said working in a particularly remote setting – 1600km north of the closest tertiary hospital – is both challenging and rewarding.
“It’s a learning curve that exponentially expands your scope of practice where you can be called upon in any situation.”
To make the jump to District Medical Officer in Procedural Anaesthetics, Marcus undertook a 12-month placement at Joondalup Hospital. It enabled him to return to his community in Karratha with a qualification – the Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (RGA) – and an expanded scope of practice in anaesthetics.
Marcus believes the Pilbara is a unique space and is the perfect location for anyone who shares his passion for activities that revolve around the water – some of Marcus’ include diving, boating and heading out to his top-secret fishing spot.
“I’m a big fan of sustainable fishing – particularly the blue bone and coral trout that you can get up here.”
Ready to embark on a journey to becoming a medical practitioner in the Pilbara? Contact WACHSDoctors.Senior@health.wa.gov.au or if you’re looking to apply for Generalist Practitioner positions, submit your application to the WACHS Generalist Practitioner Centralised Pool.