Get COVID-ready

In the coming months, it's likely that you will be exposed to COVID-19.
In most cases, fully vaccinated people will only experience a mild illness that can be managed while isolating at home.
If you do have to isolate, it’s important to be prepared. And there’s lots you can do now that will help make a big difference in the future.
Now is a good time for country communities to prepare a COVID-ready kit. Here are some of the essentials we recommend you have available:
- Pain relief medication and electrolytes (available from your pharmacy)
- Your regular medications
- A thermometer
- Masks, hand sanitiser and gloves
- Stay at home activates to keep you entertained
- A plan for who can look after your children, pets or people in your care if you have to go to hospital
- Phone numbers for people outside your home that you can call for help if you need
- A plan for how you’ll get food and essentials for seven days
There are other things you can do now to prepare for a rise in cases of COVID-19 across WA.
Vaccination remains the most effective way to avoid hospitalisation and serious illness from COVID-19. Anyone over the age of five can now be vaccinated. If you haven’t been vaccinated, or are due for your third dose, visit a clinic near you.
Making simple infection prevention measures part of our daily routine will also help manage the spread of COVID-19.
So, when you’re in public, keep 1.5 metres away from others. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Remember to cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow and stay at home if you're unwell.
It's up to each of us to protect all of us.