Handy virtual service enabling care closer to home for South West residents

A new clinic is transforming hand care in the South West offering local specialised hand therapy and virtual surgical consultations closer to home, via telehealth.
WA Country Health Service's Virtual Hand Surgery Clinic combines the convenience of local hand therapy care with the expertise of virtual surgical consultations, to ensure every patient's hands receive the best possible treatment.
In its first six months (March to August 2023) the service has seen more than 200 patients who would otherwise have needed to travel to Perth to access similar care.
This includes local lad Lincoln Wilde who injured his finger during a game of footy. The eight-year-old from Busselton was initially referred to Fiona Stanley Hospital for a hand surgery consult.
Lincoln's consult was instead handled by the South West Virtual Hand Surgery Clinic saving Lincoln and mum Nicole a 450km round trip.
Lincoln received his specialist hand therapy appointment at Bunbury Hospital with Senior Occupational Therapist Barb Hall and a review from a Perth-based surgeon via telehealth.
Nicole, who also has a younger daughter and a husband who works FIFO, praised the convenience of the virtual service.
"Lincoln's injury was minor and to have the service available here locally and still be looked after by the surgeon via telehealth, we felt we were in wonderful hands.
"It meant less time off work, saved on cost of travelling to Perth and we were seen quicker which meant less stress and impact on Lincoln's wellbeing."
WACHS Executive Director Strategy and Change Melissa Vernon said the health service had long been a global leader in innovation and harnessing technology for a more equitable health system.
"In country WA, telehealth is changing the way we to deliver services.
"We're providing 24/7 specialist emergency support for staff in country hospitals treating acute emergency patients, including those with mental health concerns, as well as inpatient and outpatient consults," Ms Vernon said.
"It's also helping us to deliver training and education opportunities for health staff and consumers."
Check with your health professional to see if a telehealth appointment is right for you. For more information visit the HealthyWA website