Welcoming 11 new sites in 2024

Throughout 2024, WA Country Health Service will be taking over management and service delivery of 11 remote area nursing posts currently operated by Silverchain – Beacon, Bencubbin, Brookton, Hyden, Eneabba, Eucla, Lancelin, Leeman, Mingenew, Shark Bay and Walpole.
We have a long and proud history of delivering healthcare to WA’s rural and remote communities and will be able to offer residents in these communities more options for acute health support than ever before.
This includes strengthened access to world-class virtual care technology that connects nursing posts to our Command Centre.
Our Command Centre provides 24/7 specialist emergency, mental health, and inpatient support, an afterhours palliative care telehealth service, advanced patient monitoring, plus a range of other services and specialties.
There will be no impact to services and the community can continue to access care as normal.
We extend our thanks to the Silverchain team and recognise the important contributions they have made in these communities.