Narrogin receives maternity reaccreditation following perfect score

Narrogin Health Campus received a perfect assessment score from the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in its maternity facility reaccreditation.
The Australian College of Midwives which assess accreditations found that Narrogin Health Campus met the criteria to an excellent standard across all assessment areas and received a score of 100% for implementing each of the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
Nav St. Louis, Program Manager at the Australian College of Midwives said the accomplishment was a reflection of the health service’s passion and commitment to supportive breastfeeding culture.
“It took a lot of effort and dedication and Narrogin Health Campus deserves this recognition for its continuing commitment to women and families in the Wheatbelt,” Nav St. Louis said.
To earn the accreditation, the Narrogin Health Campus maternity ward were required to show evidence of breastfeeding policies, staff training, education for pregnant women and new mothers, and support options for breastfeeding mothers after discharge.
Jeffrey Williams, Regional Director of Nursing and Midwifery (Wheatbelt) said he is very proud of the Narrogin Health Campus maternity team for being awarded the highest assessment score possible.
“The two new birthing rooms that were part of the Narrogin Health Campus redevelopment have supported staff to deliver the best possible care and breastfeeding education to new mothers in the Wheatbelt,” he said.
“Between July 2017 and June 2018 the maternity team delivered 82 babies and almost 90% of those babies were exclusively breastfed from birth to leaving the hospital.”
Narrogin Health Campus’ new maternity ward opened in 2018 following a $50 million redevelopment of the health service under the Southern Inland Health Initiative.
The hospital’s Baby Friendly Health Initiative accreditation is valid for three years until December 2021.