New hearing device improves patient experience

The WA Country Health Service is rolling out new technology to support those with reduced hearing in the Great Southern.
According to the organisation’s Regional Director, David Naughton, both Albany Health Campus and the Great Southern Aboriginal Health Service have been equipped with new, state-of-the-art Bellman Digital Hearing devices.
“This technology uses advanced technology to enhance the clarity of speech that can be heard, even when a hearing aid is being used,” Mr Naughton said.
“The WA Country Health Service is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible health service that meets the needs of our individual patients.
“The use of technology such us this allows those with a disability, their families and carers to access the full range of health services, facilities and information available in the public health system,” he added.
Outpatient John Martin recently trialled the device and said in the past, communication had been difficult.
“Using the device made things a lot clearer and helped ensure I understood staff,” Mr Martin said.
“It will certainly make it a lot easier for people with hearing issues to communicate and make sure their health needs are met,” he added.
The Bellman Digital Hearing devices will be available for use at multiple locations, including: Albany Health Campus Emergency Department, theatre, reception areas, therapy and consultation rooms.
Purchase of the devices was made possible thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Friends of the Albany Health Campus - a group of committed volunteers who raise money through their operation of the campus gift shop.
The WA Country Health Service - Great Southern is working to ensure people with a disability have the same opportunities to access its services, sites and information through implementation of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2015-2020.