Wyalkatchem-Koorda health service upgrade on track

The refurbishment of Wyalkatchem-Koorda Health Service is taking shape with the first two stages complete.
Wheatbelt Regional Director Sean Conlan said construction started at the beginning of this year and was progressing according to plan.
“The first stage of the refurbishment included a new kitchen, activity room for day therapy, and a communications room,” Mr Conlan said.
“This is now complete and staff are working in the new kitchen.
“The communications room accommodates more and better technology, including wireless data in a central fire-proof location.”
The refurbishment’s second stage has also been completed, incorporating a fully assisted shower, new staff station incorporating digital X-ray processing equipment, and a new clean utility area for storing medications.
“In the final stage of the refurbishment, upgrades will be made to the waiting area, reception and public toilet,” Mr Conlan said.
“Two new bathrooms will also be provided for patients, along with a new consultation room and triage area, and improved nurse call and duress alarm systems will be installed.
“All work is expected to be complete in November.”
Mr Conlan said the refurbished health facilities would make a significant contribution to improving the standard and efficiency of health care in the local community.
“This upgraded infrastructure supports modern models of health care and strengthens the medical workforce to ensure Wheatbelt health services remain sustainable,” he said.
Mr Conlan said he appreciated Wyalkatchem-Koorda Health Service staff’s resilience and efforts in maintaining high quality services during construction.
The redevelopment is part of the Southern Inland Health Initiative’s $300 million capital works program to improve capital infrastructure in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Midwest and South West regions.
Approximately $16 million has been allocated to upgrade five Wheatbelt hospitals under the third phase of the Southern Inland Health Initiative’s small hospitals and nursing post refurbishment program at Boddington, Goomalling, Kununoppin, Quairading and Wyalkatchem-Koorda.