Why country west is best according to east coast junior doctor

Meet Dr Kimberley Williams – one of our Resident Medical Officers on an Albany adventure.
Dr Williams joined WA Country Health Service in 2022 after making the move from east to west to undertake her internship year at Albany Health Campus.
“It has been the most welcoming hospital and community I could have hoped for,” she said.
“I’ve been given a mix of broad clinical practice and excellent learning opportunities, while being in a supportive environment that facilitates personal and career growth for junior doctors.”
Since moving to country WA, Dr Williams said she has quickly grown to love the Great Southern region and often finds herself exploring hidden gems on days off.
“You’re only a stone’s throw from some of the most beautiful hikes and the Great Southern wine region, the beaches are second to none and there’s just so many to choose from that you can always find one protected from the wind.”
She also credits her newfound country lifestyle for pushing her out of her comfort zone.
“It wasn’t long before I found myself taking up surfing, joining a netball team, going to run – or coffee – club and slowly learning how to kick a footy!” Dr Williams said.
“There’s something really special about this hospital community and I would highly recommend any junior doctors to consider WA Country Health Service if you’re looking for a diverse and exciting place to work.
“I will happily tell anyone who listens how incredible it is to live and work in country WA.”
Considering taking your career to the country? Take a look at our current medical vacancies.