Harvey Hospital patients can paint like Picasso with new donations

The creativity at WA Country Health Service’s Harvey Hospital keeps flowing with volunteer group ‘Harvey Bizee Hands’ donating art supplies towards the hospital’s activities program.
The popular activities program is designed to provide patients with engaging and accessible activities that challenge the patients physical and cognitive skills, providing stimulation in areas such as concentration and co-ordination through art therapy sessions.
Clinical Nurse Manager Harvey Hospital Chris Cox said the supplies – handed over by Bizee Hands representatives Mrs Lea Reading and Mrs Judy Coombes – will be a great benefit to patients in care.
“These activities are aimed at patients that require a longer stay due and often we find participating in art therapy really makes their day,” he said
“These donations mean we have further art resources for patients to use that are not only engaging but also fun – it makes for a more enjoyable stay.”
Administration Assistant Marilyn Mastrangelo sees the impact donations like Bizee Hands has on patient experience, praising the Harvey community for their generosity.
“Their efforts are greatly appreciated,” she said
“It’s reasons like this that make Harvey a great place to work and live in.
“There’s always an endless feeling of support within the community.”