Stakeholders tour emergency department

Members of the local District Health Advisory Council were given a sneak peek of the new emergency department at the Merredin Health Service recently.
Wheatbelt Regional Director Sean Conlan led the tour after his annual meeting with the council.
“The District Health Advisory Council (DHAC) provides a vital link to the consumer, carer and community perspective and it’s important to keep them informed and engaged,” Mr Conlan said.
“Partnering consumer representative groups like DHACs gives us the chance to learn from consumers and improve the health care experiences of our communities.”
The new emergency department was finished on 24 October and staff should start treating patients in the emergency department around mid-November. It features a resuscitation bay, a dedicated reception and triage area, a patient waiting area, two acute treatment bays, a minor procedure room and a consultation room. Other features include a dedicated ambulance entry, short-term patient parking, medical office, staff room, parent room and a quiet room for families of patients.
The redevelopment is part of the WA Country Health Service’s $300 million capital works program to improve capital infrastructure in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Midwest and South West regions.