Busselton Health Campus performs first ever knee replacement

Busselton Health Campus has performed its first ever knee replacement as part of plan to treat selected orthopedic patients closer to home and reduce elective surgery wait times.
While patients will have to meet select criteria to have their operation performed in Busselton, the WA Country Health Service is pioneering specialist Telehealth technology that allows surgeons to virtually monitor a patient’s progress.
Dr Mark Monaghan, Deputy Director of Medical Services at Busselton Health Campus, said the hospital was quickly increasing its capacity to perform elective orthopedic surgeries and would initially complete two joint replacements per week before moving to four.
“Over the last year the campus has been developing its orthopedic capacity and it made sense to build on this and for Busselton to take on a greater role,” Dr Monaghan said.
"We have great theatre and hospital rehabilitation facilities and it is fantastic to see them utilised to allow orthopedic patients to be treated closer to home,” he added.
Dr Monaghan said by undertaking selected orthopedic surgeries at Busselton Health Campus, the pressure would be taken off Bunbury Hospital and reduce wait times for patients suffering from knee and hip pain.
Maureen Edgeloe from Harvey was the first to undergo knee replacement surgery at the hospital and said she was delighted to have only had to travel to Busselton.
"Before my operation I needed crutches to walk around, now I'm hoping to have more mobility to enjoy going for a walk along the beach," Ms Edgeloe said.