A boost for local doctors as Albany Health Campus welcomes its first Medical Education Registrars

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) has welcomed Medical Education Registrars to the Great Southern for the first time this year.
Dr Megan Equid and Dr Elliot Nunn have stepped into the inaugural roles and will spend the next 12 months supporting Albany junior doctors by facilitating learning opportunities, developing new educational initiatives and providing career guidance and pastoral care.
“I have a passion for rural medicine and this, along with the amazing lifestyle in the Great Southern, means that I’m here to stay for the long haul,” Dr Equid said.
“We have some exciting things in the pipeline already, including a new mentoring program and junior medical officer targeted ultrasound teaching sessions.
“It’s just a taster of what we hope to achieve in 2023, which ultimately is all about opening up our colleagues to as many opportunities for learning as possible.”
As well as bolstering the delivery of high-quality education to WACHS junior doctors, these positions provide a pathway for those interested in a medical education career.
WACHS Executive Director Medical Services Dr Andrew Jamieson said the expansion of the Medical Education Registrar positions into the Great Southern ensures even more hands-on support is available for doctors at the beginning of their career.
“With the growing number of graduates and junior doctors joining us, we’re committed to increasing their access to professional development and collegiate support that will help build their careers and deliver the best possible care to our country patients,” he said.
The additional roles support the growing number of graduates, interns and trainees welcomed to country WA in 2023, including a record number of medical interns, pharmacy interns, trainee psychiatrists and nurses and midwives.