Health response to Kimberley floods gets State-wide recognition

The combined efforts of Kimberley health service providers in responding to the worst floods WA has ever seen have been recognised as part of the 2023 Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) awards.
The Kimberley Flood Recovery – Working Together Response has been shortlisted for the category for Best Practice in Collaboration Between Government and any other Organisation.
WA Country Health Service’s Rex O’Rourke said the devastating floods presented serious health challenges for the region.
“We had communities and hospitals completely cut-off from the rest of the State,” Mr O’Rourke said.
“Not only were we trying to treat patients with floodwater-related injuries and diseases we were also working to maintain regular deliveries of hospital supplies and medications.”
Mr O’Rourke said responding to the floods would have been impossible without working hand-in-hand with health service providers located right across the region.
“From the outset we worked with Aboriginal Medical Services and the not-for-profit sector to form a cohesive, united, partnership approach to responding to the critical health needs of impacted communities,” he said.
“Our response team included leaders from WA Country Health Service, Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS), Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Services (BRAMS), Derby Aboriginal Health Service (DAHS), State Health Incident Coordination Centre (SHICC), Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS), St John Ambulance (SJA) and WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA).”
Mr O’Rourke said the group worked together to identify, and respond to, immediate health risks and critical service issues.
“We also worked closely with the Department of Communities, Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley,” he said.
“Together, we were able to coordinate critical patient transfers and supply drops, ensured that our sickest and most vulnerable patients were supported throughout and importantly, we were able to keep our doors open.”
“The involvement of our AMS partners was integral – they took the lead in the social and emotional wellbeing space and represented the voices of the impacted communities.
Mr O’Rourke said the flood response was a great example of how the community comes together to support one another in the Kimberley.
“We’ve formed very strong partnerships with a focus on delivering culturally safe, quality health care that promotes better outcomes for Kimberley communities,” Mr O’Rourke said.
The 2023 IPAA WA Achievement Award winners will be announced at an event on 7 December.