Leadership changes in the Kimberley

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Kimberley Regional Director Bec Smith will step down from her role after almost 20 years dedicated to advancing healthcare across one of Australia’s most complex and remote regions.
During her tenure at WACHS, Ms Smith led a multi-million-dollar infrastructure program that included major hospital redevelopments across the region and the introduction of mental health and maternity facilities.
Under Ms Smith’s stewardship, the digital transformation of healthcare has reached some of the most remote communities in the world, including WA’s largest remote Aboriginal community in Bidyadanga, which can now access emergency telehealth clinicians 24/7 via the Perth-based Command Centre.
Ms Smith was also a tireless advocate for improved health services in Kimberley communities and during her tenure forged strong and effective partnerships with Aboriginal health service providers and other agencies, including the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service.
WACHS Chief Executive Jeff Moffet thanked Ms Smith for her outstanding contributions to Kimberley communities and reaffirmed that health initiatives underway would continue.
“Bec is typical of those who have dedicated their careers to country communities and all at WACHS wish her and her family well in all future endeavours,” Mr Moffet said.
“We still have much to do in the Kimberley. It is a complex and unique region with a range of issues that impact on healthcare delivery. Consequently, we will be continuing our program of infrastructure and service improvements, attractive recruitment incentives for staff and continued expansion of telehealth to enable Kimberley residents stay closer to home to receive their healthcare.”
To ensure seamless business continuity while formal recruitment processes take place, one of WACHS’s most highly regarded and experienced leaders, Mr Rob Pulsford, will relocate to Broome to lead the regional team.
Mr Pulsford most recently took the helm in the Kimberley in 2020 where he oversaw the management of the first COVID cases in the region in collaboration with our interagency leaders. His career with country health spans decades and encompasses clinical and senior management positions.
Mr Pulsford will commence in the role on 20 February 2022.