Changes to mask wearing requirements at our hospitals and health services

In-line with a downward trend of COVID-19 in the community, there are some changes to mask wearing requirements.
As at 12.00am Wednesday 14 February 2024 masks are no longer required in high-risk clinical areas but are still highly recommended. This includes:
- haematology and oncology units
- areas administering immunotherapies
- renal dialysis units
- critical care settings with vulnerable patients, such as intensive care units
- areas conducting aerosol generating procedures
- residential aged care settings
This applies to staff and visitors and will continue to keep our communities safe.
Remember to also keep up COVID-safe habits like washing your hands, getting your COVID-19 booster vaccine, physically distance and stay home if you feel unwell.
If you have COVID-19, or COVID-like symptoms, and attend one of our emergency departments please let our team know so they know to treat you safely.
For more information, visit: Staying safe (
Last Updated: