Runners provide neonatal equipment to Kalgoorlie and Collie

Earlier this year brand-new Panda warmer and newborn resuscitation cots arrived at WA Country Health Service’s (WACHS) Collie Hospital and Kalgoorlie Health Campus, donated by Running for Premature Babies.
The two sites are now using the new equipment to care for preterm babies from 34 weeks, as well as newborns with complex health issues.
The units provide a purpose-built examination bed that includes a warmer as well as special monitoring devices. It has drawers stocked with regularly used equipment and provides oxygen for treating critically ill babies.
Coordinator of Midwifery Kate Reynolds thanked runners that raised money for the two new pieces of equipment.
“Thank you to everyone who ran or donated to provide these pieces of equipment that help keep our smallest newly born patients in Kalgoorlie and Collie safe, warm and comfortable as we care for them.”
Since 2007, Running for Premature Babies has raised over seven million dollars, providing over 150 pieces of life saving neonatal equipment for hospitals around Australia. They have also funded $800,000 of research into neonatal care.