Premier and Minister for Health tour new Kalgoorlie MRI facility

Premier Mark McGowan and Health Minister Roger Cook visited Kalgoorlie Health Campus to tour the brand new $6.3 million Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) facility.
The facility houses a new $1.75 million state-of-the-art MRI machine, which started scanning patients in mid-June this year and has already assisted more than 200 Goldfields residents.
By providing treatment closer to home, the WA Country Health Service is saving patients the 1,200 kilometre round trip to Perth to access MRI services.
The 1.5T Magnetom Sola MRI machine is unique in that it automatically adjusts to the anatomy of each patient - leading to a more accurate diagnosis and assessment.
It also supports local clinicians to receive remote support from colleagues and specialists in other locations, ensuring some of our most vulnerable patients have equal access to world-class healthcare.
The Premier noted the new world-class MRI facility was a terrific asset for Kalgoorlie and Goldfields communities.
"Goldfields residents now have local access to this specialist diagnostic tool, enabling them to stay closer to home when receiving vital medical treatment.
"I am so pleased to see for myself the benefits this new MRI machine is providing for local people."