Coastal South West residents invited to participate in health service planning workshops

The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is calling on residents from Busselton, Margaret River and Augusta to participate in workshops to guide future regional health services for older people.
This comes off the back of the success of two workshops facilitated last year in Collie and Harvey where various community members had their say on South West services and how they felt they could be improved.
The key themes addressed at last year’s workshops included the patient journey, future planning to create a sustainable health service and continuing to grow a safe and welcoming environment. Several of the recommendations made have already been implemented or are progressing.
WACHS South West Acting Regional Director, Jeff Calver, hopes to repeat the same success and said the workshops form part of the organisation’s continued commitment to ensuring health services meet community needs both now and into the future.
“The South West has a large ageing population with people who have lived in the region their whole lives and more people choosing to live in the South West after they retire. This age group often has specific health needs that we want to ensure we are meeting.
“Our dedicated staff are committed to improving the health of their local community, and these workshops give us the opportunity to understand areas they would like us to focus on.
“It’s also an opportunity for the community to make contributions to the future direction of their local health service.”
Mr Calver said it's expected the information gathered from these workshops will help inform service plans for the coastal region and aim to improve overall health and wellbeing.
"Our patients are at the centre of everything we do, including service design," he said.
"We want to keep building on the health services we have to offer, to continue improving patient outcomes and experiences, and to give consumers more options. We look forward to seeing everyone there."
Residents are invited to attend the workshops on:
- Wednesday 12 October, 9.30am – 12.30pm at the Busselton Community Resource Centre (Meeting Room 1), 19 Cammilleri Street, Busselton WA, 6280.
- Tuesday 25 October, 9.30am – 12.30pm at the Margaret River Community Centre Church Gallery, 33 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River, WA, 6285.
Augusta –
- Tuesday 10 November, 9.30am – 12.30pm at the Augusta Community Resource Centre (Conference Room), 66 Allnut Terrace, Augusta WA, 6290.
Registrations are required. For more information or to register, visit the WA Country Health Service Eventbrite page or call 08 9722 1585.