Become a DHAC member

What do DHAC members do?

Attend meetings: by coming to meetings with healthcare staff DHACs offer an important perspective of someone who uses, or whose family uses, our services. 

Provide advice: the advice from the people who use our services is invaluable. This is why our DHACs are so important as they help us develop and deliver the best possible care for our communities. 

Share their ideas: we are always looking for new and innovative ways of doing business. Our DHACs consistently give us great ideas about how we can do things better.

Ask us questions: it's important that DHACs get the chance to ask questions about care and services. Sometimes the questions from our DHACs are things we have not thought of.

Consult with us on projects: consultation with our community and consumers is key to developing and delivering the best possible care. Our DHACs are critical to the process of healthcare design.

Contribute to health directions and strategy: DHACs help us design the strategies that guide the delivery of healthcare. Healthcare is safer and better when consumers are involved.

How to apply

If you have an interest in health and would like to make a positive contribution, we welcome your application for membership at any time, using the forms below:

Before you apply, ask to speak to the Operations Manager at your health service or contact your WACHS Regional Office to: 

  •  Learn more about DHACs in your region or area.
  •  Connect you with your local DHAC Chairperson to discuss your expectations and role of the DHAC.
  •  Help you to apply for membership. 

The Health Consumers' Council of WA is also available to assist you with your application by phoning (08) 9221 3422 or 1800 620 780 (toll free for country callers).

Last Updated: 02/11/2023