From ward rounds to top one per cent

After working at Albany Health Campus as Enrolled Nurses, Rowena Blight and Trina Lysaught decided to make the transition to Registered Nurses.
With the support of WA Country Health Services (WACHS) the two began their accreditation transition whilst working and raising children.
Their hard work saw them named on the Vice Chancellors list, having completed their studies in the top one per cent of their cohort.
Executive Director Great Southern Evelyn Quinn congratulated the pair on their dedication.
“Their passion for nursing shines through in both their work ethic and educational achievements,” Ms Quinn said.
“I’m sure Trina and Rowena will continue to excel in their careers at Albany Health Campus.”
Having come out the other end, both stated the determination, and sometimes tears, were worth it.
“My biggest achievement was working towards my goal and current role in Emergency Department,” Trina said.
“I am extremely proud of myself as for achieving this whist tackling work and family life at the same time,” Rowena added.