Time capsule relocated to Warren Health Service while new car parks mark the end of construction

A time capsule was recently carefully relocated to its new home at the Warren Health Service to preserve items of interest such as staff rosters, newsletters and photographs.
An afternoon tea was held to celebrate the occasion with former staff members and volunteers including Mrs Peg Johnstone who was previously Nurse Educator at the Enrolled Nurses Nursing School which closed in 1991.
All construction works on the site are also now complete with the recent opening of new car parks providing an additional 22 bays.
Other improvements to be finalised include the opening of a new road leading to a loading zone and staff car parks at rear of the hospital. Landscaping has been completed around the new hospital including the lawn area between hospital and the visitor and staff car parks at eastern side of building.
WA Country Health Service Acting Regional Director for the South West, Jeremy Higgins thanked the community for their patience throughout the construction period.
“Visitors to the Service have encountered disruption over a considerable period of time, so I’m sure they will appreciate the new parking facilities” he said.
The $37.6 million Warren Health Service, which was officially opened in July is part of a $300 million capital works program delivered by the WA Country Health Service to improve hospitals in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Midwest and South West.