WA Country Health Service bringing care closer to home for country patients

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) has invested heavily in virtual care services saving both time and money for patients and improving equity of access to healthcare.
Each year, the WACHS supports almost 7000 patients to fly to Perth for specialist healthcare appointments.
Last year in the Kimberley alone, more than 4000 patients were assisted by the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme (PATS) to fly to Perth for treatment, spending time away from family and loved ones and costing $7.1 million in subsidy payments (including accommodation).
Combining telehealth technology with the expertise of our staff is helping to reduce unnecessary travel for regional patients.
The innovative collaboration between the Regional Telehealth Program and PATS, identified 82 appointments for review, with almost 60 per cent being converted to virtual care.
Between October 2022 and September 2023, the Kimberley PATS Diversion Project trial, saved an estimated 229,600 kms in patient travel with PATS savings of around $85,800.
One local patient originally referred to Royal Perth Hospital for a follow-up spinal appointment, did not want to have to spend time away from home and support networks. Thanks to the diversion project, he managed to have his initial and subsequent appointments converted to telehealth.
The trial is expected to be expanded into other regions.
WACHS Executive Director Strategy and Change Melissa Vernon said the health service had long been a global leader in innovation and harnessing technology for a more equitable health system.
“In country WA, telehealth is changing the way we to deliver services.
“We’re providing 24/7 specialist emergency support for staff in country hospitals treating acute emergency patients, including those with mental health concerns, as well as inpatient and outpatient consults,” Ms Vernon said.
“It’s also helping us to deliver training and education opportunities for health staff and consumers.”
This Telehealth Awareness Week (23-27 October) we are shining a light on how digital technology is positively impacting country communities.
Check with your health professional to see if a telehealth appointment is right for you. For more information visit theHealthyWA website.