Kimberley team brings advance care planning into focus

WA Country Health Service is encouraging communities to consider their future health care this National Advance Care Planning Week (20-26 March).
The national week aims to promote conversations for end-of-life care and encourage people to make their treatment preferences known.
This Wednesday, 22 March, the Kimberley Palliative Care team are inviting the community to an advance care planning day at Broome Circle House, to discuss what living well means and what their end-of-life care preferences might be.
By documenting a person’s treatment preferences, West Australians are able to create healthcare road maps for loved ones and healthcare professionals to follow.
Kimberley Palliative Care Service Regional Nurse Coordinator Casey Carter said the day would help inspire locals to take an active role in their healthcare.
“Finding the right time to talk about advance care planning can be challenging, that’s why we want to help our local community feel empowered to start the process,” she said.
“It’s about what matters most to people and how their values, beliefs and preferences can be maintained with respect and dignity should they be faced with a medical crisis.
“The team will be on hand to answer questions and provide support to empower locals to live life on their terms and have a sense of control for their future health.”
The Advance Care Planning event will begin at 9:30am at the Broome Circle House where the team will also provide morning tea to participants.
For more information and access a free email starter pack, visit or call the local Kimberley Palliative Care Team on 08 9194 2325.