Broome: the place doctors say gives work life balance

For Dr Greer Jalland, working at Broome Health Campus has given her the work life balance she’s been looking for.
“It has been incredible to spend more time together after work walking along Cable Beach or four-wheel driving in our Prado on the weekends,” she said.
“I have also been able to maximise my personal time with a less than one-minute commute to work!”
Dr Jalland says Broome Health Campus is a fabulous place to work as a junior doctor and urges others to consider the town early in their careers.
“I’m building a transferable skill set, which I believe will make me a well-rounded doctor for the rest of my career.”
Since moving to Broome, Greer has had ample opportunities to learn more about different disciplines within medicine and importantly, develop a greater understanding of health in rural communities.
“My time here has given me invaluable experience in Aboriginal health in the Kimberley,” she said.
“I’ve also been exposed to the complexities and challenges of working in a rural and remote setting.”
Dr Jalland thanked the senior medical staff for their ongoing mentorship and ensuring the wellbeing of junior medical officers is cared for.
“The support provided by senior doctors working in each department has been great,” she said.
“The clinicians I have experienced have been kind and approachable, which makes coming to work each day enjoyable and stimulating. Our weekly teaching is also well-run and engaging.”
Dr Jalland said the staff at Broome Health Campus helped make her transition to country life as smooth as possible.
“There is a strong culture of support here for junior doctors,” she said.
“I believe that all juniors would benefit from spending some time in a rural setting and I would encourage anyone interested to apply.
“And if you choose to work in Broome, you’ll make memories and working friendships for a lifetime!”
Interested in taking your career to the country? Find out more about our medical vacancies.